On -Call Engineering Services RFP No. 23-030
<br />Water and Sewer Services
<br />Kimley-Horn has experience in all phases of project planning, design, and construction management of
<br />sewer and wastewater projects. We have a growing list of collection system condition assessment
<br />projects including flow monitoring, infiltration and inflow assessments, smoke and dye testing, hydraulic
<br />modeling, rehabilitation and replacement recommendation, capital improvement planning, master
<br />planning, rate studies, pipe lining, pipe bursting, bypass pumping, trenchless construction, lift station
<br />improvements, and odor and corrosion inspection and control.
<br />At -Grade Crossing/Grade Separation
<br />Our staff is experienced in the preparation and processing of all types of environmental documents under
<br />CEQA and NEPA and has extensive knowledge of environmental document requirements. Our
<br />environmental professionals not only have years of experience in developing CEQA and NEPA
<br />documents for private development, public works and transportation projects, but they also receive
<br />regular training on changes in CEQA and NEPA as well as applicable case law affecting the
<br />interpretation of current statutes. Kimley-Horn staff has been responsible for preparing all types of
<br />documents from Initial Studies and Mitigated Negative Declarations to complete Environmental Impact
<br />Reports, Environmental Assessments, and Environmental Impact Statements. Our team has also
<br />prepared Mitigation Monitoring Implementation Schedules (MMIS) and Mitigation Monitoring and
<br />Reporting Programs (MMRP).
<br />Erosion Control/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
<br />Our water resources experience includes hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, permitting, sedimentation
<br />and scour analysis, stormwater quantity and quality issues, and the design of hydraulic structures
<br />ranging from pipes, culverts, canals, detention basins, and outlet structures to major water control and
<br />pump structures. We have design culvert crossings, levees, small dams, outlet structures, and bridges.
<br />Representative project areas range in size from one to more than 130,000 acres, and our engineers
<br />have been called upon by numerous public agencies and major agricultural, industrial, and residential
<br />developers as well. Our staff has the knowledge and experience to conduct preliminary studies, prepare
<br />stormwater management plans, and coordinate permit applications.
<br />Utilities
<br />Every project is unique and presents its own special design challenges; however, the most frequent
<br />challenge we face in local municipal projects is related to existing utilities. Most of the projects
<br />anticipated to be part of this on -call are in developed areas where utility facilities are currently within the
<br />proposed project area and any improvement will generally affect or be affected by the location of the
<br />utility facilities. Kimley-Horn believes in drawing the utility lines and features to their true size in our plans
<br />to aid in identifying conflicts early in the design phase; potholing potential conflict locations when budgets
<br />allow, which gives a better understanding of the locations of the existing utilities; and extensive
<br />coordination with the various utility companies. We also use three-dimensional (3D) modeling of utilities
<br />to identify potential conflicts in early stages of design. This method has helped us to avoid discrepancies
<br />between construction documents and actual field conditions that resulted in cost effective and timely
<br />execution of projects.
<br />Electrical, Instrumentation, and Control Services
<br />Kimley-Horn is a leading consultant in the electrical planning and design of power, motor control centers,
<br />motor starters, electrical panels, instrumentation and control systems, lighting design, and
<br />communication systems. Our team is thoroughly experienced in all the electrical engineering
<br />considerations that may be included in your project(s). Our vast experience allows our team to tackle
<br />projects efficiently and precisely in all capacities, ranging from leading large electrical -only projects to
<br />small support roles for multidiscipline projects. Kimley-Horn understands that electrical engineering is
<br />often a critical component of designing a project. Electrical issues such as utility company coordination,
<br />power source access, conduit routing, and existing system integration must be coordinated with all other
<br />Kimley»)Horn GMOC77011.2023 16
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