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Orange County WDBs 2023 Biennial Modification to PY 2021-24 Unified Local Plan <br />5 <br /> <br />Temporary Assistance for Needy Families <br />(TANF)/CalWORKs <br />County of Orange, Social Services Agency <br /> <br />The local boards and their partners coordinate the delivery of services and resources <br />described in each board's MOU, which delineates each partner's responsibilities with <br />regard to supporting the planning, development, and implementation of programs and <br />services as part of the local America's Job Centers of California (AJCC) system. The <br />MOU is a functional tool that outlines how the boards and AJCC partners work together <br />to create a unified service delivery system that meets their shared customers' needs. The <br />MOU is reviewed and updated every three years, and a corresponding infrastructure <br />funding agreement and other system costs are reviewed annually. <br /> <br />Local boards hold AJCC partner meetings regularly, ranging from monthly to quarterly. <br />Participation in these meetings helps strengthen the partnership across programs and <br />works to improve the system's effectiveness to meet the needs of both job seekers and <br />business customers. The meetings provide a platform for partners to review performance, <br />shared goals, and address issues that impact service delivery. Partner meetings are also <br />used for information sharing and to cross-train staff to increase understanding of <br />resources available in the AJCC system. The local boards and partner organizations <br />share the responsibility of providing professional development training to staff. <br /> <br />Several co-located partners are in the AJCCs, enabling them to collaborate more <br />effectively and avoid duplication of services. As necessary, staff from partner agencies <br />interface with clients and support WIOA-funded case managers in developing individual <br />employment plans that may include partner agency services. They also participate in <br />general orientations, host client workshops, support clients in the resource room, and <br />support on-site hiring events. Core, required, and other partners organizations and <br />programs are co-located at AJCCs administered by each of the three local boards as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Orange County WDB AJCCs: EDD, DOR, County of Orange Office on Aging, and the City <br />of La Habra. Career Teams, LLC, the contracted career services provider, and America <br />Works, the contracted AJCC Operator, are also located at the AJCCs. <br /> <br />Santa Ana WDB AJCC: EDD, DOR, SER Jobs for Progress, SSA, Housing Authority, and <br />City-administered youth programs (SAY Youth and CA4All). <br /> <br />Anaheim WDB AJCC: EDD, DOR, SSA, Working Wardrobes, and North Orange <br />Continuing Education. <br /> <br />Outreach efforts that support the AJCC programs are shared among partners. Partner <br />agencies promote each other's programs to job seekers in the community to increase <br />exposure to workforce development system services. AJCC partners also assist in <br />staffing the Orange County WDB's One-Stop mobile unit, enabling them to reach more <br />individuals in the community. AJCC partners coordinate service delivery to business <br />customers that support the training and retention of a skilled workforce. Coordination <br />involves identifying and designing appropriate business solutions, engaging businesses <br />EXHIBIT 2