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Santa Ana 2020 Urban Water Management Plan <br /> <br />6-31 <br />Project would consist of a subsurface slant well intake system (constructed within Doheny Beach State <br />Park), raw (sea) water conveyance to the desalination facility site (located on SCWD owned property), a <br />seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination facility, brine disposal through an existing wastewater <br />ocean outfall, solids handling facilities, storage, and potable water conveyance interties to adjacent local <br />and regional distribution infrastructure. <br />The Doheny Ocean Desalination Project has been determined as the best water supply option to meet <br />reliability needs of SCWD and south Orange County. SCWD is pursuing the Project to ensure it meets <br />the water use needs of its customers and the region by providing a drought-proof potable water supply, <br />which diversifies SCWD’s supply portfolio and protects against long-term imported water emergency <br />outages and supply shortfalls that could have significant impact to our coastal communities, public health, <br />and local economy. Phase I of the Project (aka, the “Local” Project) will provide SCWD and the region <br />with up to 5 MGD of critical potable water supply that, together with recycled water, groundwater, and <br />conservation, will provide the majority of SCWD’s water supply through local reliable sources. An up to <br />15 MGD capacity project has been identified as a potential future “regional” project that could be phased <br />incrementally, depending on regional needs. <br />On June 27, 2019, SCWD certified the final EIR and approved the Project. The Final EIR included <br />considerable additional information provided at the request of the Coastal Commission and the Regional <br />Board, including an updated coastal hazard analysis, updated brine discharge modeling, and updated <br />groundwater modeling, updated hydrology analysis. The approval of the Project also included a <br />commitment to 100 percent carbon neutrality through a 100 percent offset of emissions through the <br />expansion of Project mitigation and use of renewable energy sources. SCWD is currently in the <br />permitting process and finalizing additional due diligence studies. If implemented, SCWD anticipates an <br />online date of 2025. <br />Under guidance provided by DWR, the Doheny Seawater Desalination Project’s projected water supplies <br />are not included in the supply projections due to its current status within the criteria established by State <br />guidelines (DWR, 2020c). <br />6.7.2 Groundwater Desalination <br />There are currently no brackish groundwater opportunities within the City’s service area. <br />Water Exchanges and Transfers <br />Interconnections with other agencies result in the ability to share water supplies during short term <br />emergency situations or planned shutdowns of major imported water systems. However, beyond short <br />term outages, transfers can also be involved with longer term water exchanges to deal with droughts or <br />water allocation situations. The following subsections describe the City’s existing and planned exchanges <br />and transfers. <br />6.8.1 Existing Exchanges and Transfers <br />Interconnections with other agencies result in the ability to share water supplies during short term <br />emergency situations or planned shutdowns of major imported systems. The City maintains seven <br />connections to MET's system and nine emergency connections with surrounding agencies, including the