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this subgrant agreement will be Immediately remitted to the Pass -through Entity, and <br />no longer available to the Subreciplent. <br />c. The Pass -through Entity retains the right to suspend financial assistance, In whole <br />or In part, to protect the integrity of the funds or to ensure proper operation of <br />the program, providing the Subrecipient Is given prompt notice and the opportunity <br />for an informal review of the Pass -through Entity's decision. The Epp Chief Deputy <br />Director or his/her designee will perform this informal review and will Issue the <br />final administrative decision within 60 days of receiving the written request for <br />review. Failure on the part of the Subreciplent or a Subcontractor of the <br />Subrecipient to comply with the provisions of this subgrant agreement, or with WIOA <br />or other applicable regulations, when such failure involves fraud or misappropriation <br />of funds, may result in immediate withholding of funds, <br />d. If applicable, the chief elected official (CEO) of a unit of general local government <br />designated as a Local Workforce Development Area shall be liable to the Pass -through <br />Entity for all funds not expended in accordance with WIOA, and shall return to the <br />Pass -through Entity all of those funds. If there Is more than one unit of general <br />local government In a local area, the CEO(s) will be the individual(s) designated <br />under an agreement executed by the CEO(s) of the local units of government. The <br />CEO(s) designated under the agreement shall be liable to the Pass -through Entity for <br />all funds not expended in accordance with WIOA, and shall return to the Pass -through <br />Entity all of those funds. <br />4. Requirement to Provide Certain Information in Public Communications (Steven's Amendment) <br />Pursuant to Public Law 116-260, Division H, Title V, Section 505, when Issuing statements, <br />press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations and other documents describing <br />projects or programs funded in whole er in part with Federal money, all non -Federal <br />entities receiving Federal funds shall clearly state; <br />a. The percentage of the total costs of the program or project which will be financed with <br />Federal money; <br />b. The dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program; and <br />c. The percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the project or program that will <br />be financed by non -governmental sources. <br />5. Insurance <br />a. Except for city and county governmental entitles, Subrecipients must provide the <br />Pass -through Entity evidence of the coverage specified in paragraphs (1), (ii), (Ill) <br />and (iv) below, The evidence of coverage shall include the registration number of <br />the subgrant agreement for identification purposes. <br />I. Subrecipient will obtain a fidelity bond in an amount of not less than <br />prior to the receipt of funds under this subgrant agreement. If <br />the bond is canceled or reduced, Subrecipient will immediately notify the Pass - <br />through Entity. In the event the bond is canceled or revised, the Pass -through <br />Entity will make no further disbursements until it is assured that adequate <br />coverage has been obtained. <br />li. Subrecipient will provide general liability insurance with a combined limit of <br />$1,000,000, or public liability and property damage coverage with a combined <br />limit of not less than $1,000,000. <br />Ill. Subrecipient will provide broad form automobile liability coverage with limits <br />as set forth In (11) above, which applies to bath owned/leased and non -owned <br />automobiles used by the Subreciplent or its agents In performance of this <br />subgrant agreement. Or, in the event that the Subrecipient will not utilize <br />owned/leased automobiles but intends to require employees, trainees or other <br />agents to utilize their own automobiles in performance of this subgrant <br />agreement, Subrecipient will secure and maintain on file from all such <br />employees, trainees or agents a self -certification of automobile insurance <br />coverage. <br />Iv. Subrecipient will provide workers' compensation Insurance, which complies with <br />provisions of the California Labor Code, covering all employees of the <br />Subrecipient and all participants enrolled in work experience programs. Medical <br />Page 5 of 17 <br />