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Item 21 - Agreement with SenseMakers LLC for Grant Project and Fiscal Coordinator Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
04/04/2023 Special and Regular & HA
Item 21 - Agreement with SenseMakers LLC for Grant Project and Fiscal Coordinator Services
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3/28/2024 10:44:19 AM
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8/10/2023 5:15:30 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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The proposed ProjectlFiscal Coordinator candidate(s) will submit to a thorough police <br />background investigation performed by the City- The background investigation will be <br />performed after a contractor has been selected but prior to submission to ✓wiry Council for final <br />approval_ A polygraph examination may be conducted to determine the truthfulness of the <br />candidates responses about hislher background and qualifications- AM persons employed to <br />provide service under the awarded contract must have satisfactory past work records indicating <br />their ability to adequately perform the work under said contract. Contractor's employees <br />assigned to this project must meet character standards as demonstrated by background <br />investigation and reference cheeks, coordinated by the City - <br />The City shall have the right to require the removal and replacement of the Contractor's <br />ProjectiFiscal Coordinator and key personnel under the awarded contract The City shall notrTy <br />the contractor in writing of such action. The City is not required to provide any reason, rationale <br />or additional factual information if it elects to request any specific key personnel be removed <br />from performing services under the awarded contract The City shall review and approve the <br />appointment of the replacement for the Contractor's personnel- Said approval shall not be <br />unreasonably withheld. <br />3. The ProjectlF Fecal Coordinator will work out of the Santa Ana Polite Department, Homeland <br />Security Division- <br />4. The Projett/Fkscal Coordinator will work a 40-hour week, consistent with regular business <br />hours which are between the hours of 6.00 AM to 5.00 PIa1, excluding weekends and holidays - <br />The hours worked are subject to the needs of the unit, and reasonable flexibility is available to <br />accommodate the Contractor- The Project/Fiscal Coordinator may work a compressed 4110 <br />schedule- Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday, depending the on the needs <br />of the unit- <br />5- The ProfectdFiscal Coordinator shall have experience in consistently managing multiple project <br />budgets and deadlines- <br />Iz. The ProjectlFiscai Coordinator shall have knowledge of local government and federal grant <br />budgetary, management and procurement processes- <br />7- The ProjectfFiscal Coordinator shall have the ability to read, comprehend, and apply various <br />federal grant program rules and regulations including, but not limited to, applicable code of <br />federal regulations; notices of funding opportunities; Environmental & Historic Preservation <br />requirements; state and local strategic goals & objectives, purchasing policies, and travel <br />policies, and provide guidance to stakeholders within the ASAUA on how to comply- <br />8- The Project{Fiscal Coordinator shall have the ability to research topics unfamiliar to their <br />normal area of expertise and experience (within Homeland Security Cram Program relevancy) <br />and develop program plans and objectives. Examples of such experience must be provided in <br />the Statement of Qualifications- <br />g. The ProjectlFiscal Coordinator shall be courteous and maintain good worMng relationships <br />with all stakeholders within the ASAUA, state or outside agencies, other team members and <br />staff within the Police Department and City of Santa Ana divisions - <br />Furthermore, City locations consist of publir4ise facilities and recogriizzes the obligation to <br />insure Contractor personnel and agents maintain the highest level of professional standards in <br />attire, decorum, and interaction with the public and City personnel- <br />10- The ProjektlFiscal Coordinator shall have the knowledge and abifrty to effectivety use Microsoft <br />RFP 22-130 ASA UASI Grant Management Serviceg <br />Page 11 <br />
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