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<br />21.FUNDING-RELATED PROVISIONS <br />Funds from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund and/or the Coronavirus Local <br />Fiscal Recovery Fund, together known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery <br />Funds (“CSLFRF”) program, will be used to fund all or a portion of this Agreement. As <br />applicable, Consultant shall comply with all federal requirements including, but not limited to, <br />the following, all of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference: <br />a.Sections 602 and 603 of the Social Security Act as added by Section 9901 of the <br />American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the “Act”); <br />b. <br />c. <br />d. <br />U.S. Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”) Final Rule for the Act; <br />Treasury Compliance and Reporting Guidance for the Act; <br />2 C.F.R. Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and <br />Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, other than such provisions as the U.S. Department of <br />the Treasury may determine are inapplicable to the CSLFRF program and subject to such <br />exceptions as may be otherwise provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury; <br />e.Treasury Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Award Terms and Conditions; <br />and <br />f.Federal contract provisions attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated <br />herein by reference. <br />Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all of the <br />provisions stipulated in this Agreement. With respect to any conflict between such federal <br />requirements and the terms of this Agreement and/or the provisions of state law and except as <br />otherwise required under federal law or regulation, the more stringent requirement shall control. <br />22.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />a.Each undersigned represents and warrants that its signature herein below has the <br />power, authority and right to bind their respective parties to each of the terms of <br />this Agreement, and shall indemnify City fully, including reasonable costs and <br />attorney’s fees, for any injuries or damages to City in the event that such authority <br />or power is not, in fact, held by the signatory or is withdrawn. <br />b.All exhibits referenced herein and attached hereto shall be incorporated as if fully <br />set forth in the body of this Agreement. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the date and year <br />first above written. <br />Page 9 of 10