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<br />Work Scope <br />This section describes the scope of services to be completed by the PlaceWorks team for the New <br />Outdoor Library at Jerome Park project. To facilitate your review of this proposal, we have prepared a <br />concise scope that emphasizes key components of our approach to this project <br />We are flexible regarding the proposed scope of work and will work with you to prepare a more detailed <br />scope when we enter into a contract We also recognize that it may be necessary to alter the scope as <br />the project progresses and would be happy to work with you to ensure the successful completion of the <br />project <br />TASK 1. PROJECT INITIATION AND COORDINATION <br />1.1 CITY STAFF MEETING 1: KICKOFF MEETING AND SITE VISIT <br />The PlaceWorks team will attend a kick-off meeting with City staff to discuss expectations and concerns, <br />and to review key issues, information needs, work products, and delivery schedule. Overall project <br />schedule and meeting dates will be reviewed. After the kick-off meeting, the PlaceWorks team will visit <br />and photograph the project area within Jerome Park, paying particular attention to features and issues <br />identified at the kick-off meeting and opportunities to integrate the proposed concepts from the City’s <br />design. <br />1.2 ONGOING PROJECT MANAGEMENT <br />PlaceWorks will coordinate with City staff throughout the project and will manage the scope, cost, and <br />schedule to ensure that the project is completed efficiently. PlaceWorks will conduct weekly calls with the <br />City project manager to coordinate. Additional meetings with the City Staff related to project review are <br />called out in the tasks below. <br />TASK 2. DATA GATHERING AND SITE ANALYSIS <br />2.1 RECORDS RESEARCH <br />BKF Engineers (BKF) will conduct a comprehensive review of existing records to determine existing <br />conditions. This information will be integrated into the survey described in Task 2.2. <br />2.2 SURVEY <br />BKF will provide boundary and topographic surveying of the project site. The topographic survey will <br />cover the project area and will extend to include the full width of adjacent rights-of-way. Spot elevations <br />will be sufficient to generate 0.5-foot contours, and existing utilities on or adjacent to the proposed project <br />area will be shown. Potholing will be conducted to confirm existing utilities. <br />2.3 ARBORIST REPORT <br />Bartlett will complete an evaluation of the existing trees within the project area and will complete an <br />arborist’s report, documenting the tree evaluation and pruning recommendations. The arborist's report <br />will include recommendations for avoiding damages to existing trees during construction. <br />PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES | PLACEWORKS 2-1