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A. Each MEMBER must select a VETERINARIAN from among the PROGRAM VETERINARIANS for the <br />MEMBERS PETS. In order for veterinary care to be provided under the program, a selection must be received <br />from the selected PROGRAM VETERINARIAN except for EMERGENCY CARE or Areas of Special Care <br />veterinarians. <br />MEMBER'S PETS within a family must use the same PROGRAM VETERINARIAN. The PROGRAM can <br />assist the MEMBER in selecting a PROGRAM VETERINARIAN when requested. Information regarding the <br />location and hours of PROGRAM VETERINARIAN may be obtained by calling the PROGRAM Veterinary <br />office. <br />B. The PROGRAM reserves the right at its sole discretion to reassign MEMBERS, at any time, TO A DIFFERENT <br />program veterinarian of the MEMBER'S choice. <br />C. MEMBERS may change PROGRAM VETERINARIAN effective the first (I") day of any month and approved <br />by the PROGRAM. However, no such reassignment shall be made unless the MEMBER has satisfied all sums <br />owed to the previous PROGRAM VETERINARIAN as a result of veterinary services provided by that <br />PROGRAM VETERINARIAN. <br />PART IV — RENEWAL PROVISIONS <br />A. After the expiration of the plan year, the GROUP MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT shall remain in force and shall <br />continue annually, unless notice of cancellation shall be given/received by MEMBER GROUP and/or <br />PROGRAM. Written notification should be provided 30 days prior to intent to cancel. The PROGRAM shall <br />give the MEMBER GROUP 30 days' written notice of any intended rate increases, schedule changes or member <br />payment which will take effect upon the anniversary of the effective date. <br />PART V — INDIVIDUAL CONTINUATION OF MEMBERSHIP <br />A. Any MEMBER who becomes ineligible for GROUP MEMBERSHIP or whose GROUP MEMBERSHIP <br />AGREEMENT terminates may continue membership on an individual basis. Notice of termination of <br />employment should be provided to United Pet Care as soon as possible, but no later than the twenty-fifth (25',) <br />of the current month in order for cancelation to be effective the first (1 sr) of the following month, as we pay our <br />veterinary providers for each employee's pet on the 261 of each month. <br />PART VI — TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP <br />A. MEMBERSHIP for MEMBER shall cease upon the expiration of GROUP MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT or <br />the failure of the MEMBER GROUP to pay the FEE to the PROGRAM. <br />B. In the event of termination of this GROUP MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT due to non-payment, notice of <br />termination shall be mailed to the MEMBER GROUP at the MEMBER GROUP'S address of record. Notice of <br />intent to cancel shall be given/received by MEMBER GROUP and/or PROGRAM 30 days prior to intent to <br />cancel. <br />PART VII — FEE <br />A. THE FEE SCHEDULE IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS GROUP MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT AND <br />SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE REST OF THE GROUP MEMBERSHIP <br />AGREEMENT. THE RATES ARE GUARANTEED FOR THE PROPOSED CONTRACT PERIOD. <br />MEMBER MONTHLY SCHEDULES <br />No. OF PETS <br />PREFERRED <br />1 Pet <br />$ 12.50 <br />2 Pets <br />$ 24.20 <br />3 Pets <br />$ 35.60 <br />Add' 1 Pet <br />$ 11.30 <br />of the month rior to the billin date. MEMBER <br />All MEMBERS' services commence on the first da y p g GROUP will <br />receive billing on or about the 11' of each/every month. The PROGRAM must receive the monthly payment on or <br />before the 30th day after MEMBER GROUP's receipt of billing from PROGRAM to insure availability for service. <br />Such payments shall be made at or sent to: <br />2 <br />(602) 266-5303 ♦ 350 W. Washington St ♦ Tempe, AZ 85281 5/23/2022 <br />