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Appendix <br />ATTACHMENT 1 <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS <br />FOR <br />ADVANCE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND <br />COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ON -CALL REPAIR SERVICES <br />RFP NO.22-031 <br />A. DESCRIPTION <br />The Santa Ana's Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) monitors and controls all of <br />the traffic signals and CCTV's within the City. ATMS encompasses three major subsystems, <br />Traffic Signal System, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system and the Transportation <br />Information System (TIS). Communication between the Traffic Management Center (TMC) <br />and the field equipment are established via fiber optic, twisted -pair interconnect, wireless <br />broadband and limited use of telephone (T1) lines. <br />The main equipment for the City's ATMS is located in the TMC in City Hall. The City also <br />maintains a Remote TMC in adjacent Ross Annex building. The TMC has a dedicated local <br />area network that consists of computer servers, computer workstations, managed switches and <br />routers, video processing units, hardwire interconnects and fiber optic patch panels. The City's <br />current traffic signal system is Econolite Centracs. <br />The City's Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System consists of Cohu, Axis and Bosch <br />cameras and video encoders. The City's Video Management System is Milestone XProtect <br />Corporate. <br />The City's communication infrastructure consists of twisted pair cable, single mode fiber optic <br />cable, wireless broadband antennas, T1 equipment and other communication equipment. The <br />hardwire interconnect and fiber optic cables are generally in dedicated conduit from the TMC <br />to controller cabinets and communication HUB's in the field. <br />B. SCOPE OF WORK <br />In general, the on -call Contractor will perform emergency repairs due to malfunctions or <br />damages to the systems and communication equipment and cables. Majority of the work are <br />anticipated for field equipment repairs. The scope of work includes but not limited to the <br />followings: <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 22-031 <br />Page Al-1 <br />