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SUBRECIPIENT agrees to implement and shall meet any additional performance indicators that may <br />be subsequently required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act or by any other Federal, <br />State, and local law. <br />2.SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of <br />1964 (P.L. 83-354) and in accordance with Title VII of the Act, requiring that no person shall, on the <br />grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap or national origin be excluded from participation in, <br />be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under this Agreement. <br />3.SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with all federal laws limiting the political <br />activity of employees hired under this Agreement. <br />4.SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the requirements that no pro gram <br />under the Act shall involve political activities. <br />5.RECORD INSPECTION. SUBRECIPIENT shall provide the U.S. <br />Department of Labor and the Controller General, by and through any authorized representative, as well <br />as the WDB Administrative Office, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers or <br />documents relating to the accounting and use of funds under this Agreement for a three-year period <br />from and after the effective date of this Agreement. <br />--6. No person with responsibilities fa the operation or any pro gram under the <br />Act shall discriminate with respect to any program participant or any application for participation in <br />such program because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, political affiliation or beliefs. <br />7.SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain appropriate standards for health and <br />safety in work and training situations. <br />8.SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with general provisions, assurances, and <br />execute the Assurances and Certifications attached hereto as "Exhibit H" and incorporated herein. <br />9. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. Any literature distributed by <br />SUBRECIPIENT for the purpose of apprising businesses, Participants, or the general public of its <br />programs under this Agreement shall state that its programs are supported by the City of Santa Ana and <br />the Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board, and shall state that the program is an "equal opportunity <br />employer/program" and that "auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with <br />dis abilities." <br />I 0. Based on the population eligible to be served, or likely to be directly <br />affected by the WIOA program or activity, the services or information may need to be provided in a <br />language other than English in order to allow such population to be effectively informed about or able <br />to participate in the program or activity. Pursuant to 29 CPR 37.35, SUBRECIPIENT must take <br />reasona ble steps to provide services and information in appropriate languages after considering the <br />scope of the program or activity, and the size and concentration of the population that needs services or <br />information in a language other than English. <br />11.SUBRECIPIENT certifies that all property, finished or unfinished <br />documents, data, studies and reports prepared or purchased under this Agreement, will be disposed of <br />Page 8 of 17 <br />Exhibit 2