5. Paid & Unpaid Work Experience (3 pages max)
<br />Corpsmembers may remain at the Orange County Conservation Corps for up to two years to
<br />"earn ... learn ... and serve". This gives th em the time necessary to develop the skills to
<br />enter the workforce. OCCC's program provides an opportunity for part icipants to earn a
<br />living through paid work experience, learn job skills and further their education, while they
<br />serve the public by completing conservation projects and services. Corps members who
<br />determine to work at OCCC work 29 hours per week, Monday through Thursday, and receive
<br />additional training, workshops, mentoring, supportive services and case management upon
<br />returnin g to the campus at 2:30pm.
<br />As one of 14 local and state certified conservation corps in California, OCCC belongs to a State
<br />association oflocal conservation corps designated to provide services to our at-risk young adults.
<br />The year-round paid job-training work of Corpsmembers help mitigate changing climate impacts
<br />through fire fuel reduction, flood protection, water quality, reforestation, habitat restoration,
<br />wetlands protection/reparation, wildlife and native species protection, homeless encampment
<br />cleanups, bottle/can, tire, E-waste, and oil recycling. All activities support reduction of Green
<br />House Gas and a lower-carbon footprint. Many underrepresented young people in Orange County
<br />have little to no access to outdoor experiences. This is especially pervasive in the urban areas we
<br />serve, among communities of color and poverty. The mission at OCCC is to preserve and protect
<br />the environment, as well as provide paid job _ _§k:ilJ_s__training _and_car_e_er technicaLeducation
<br />opportunities for young men and w���n �h-;; come from some of the state's most disenfranchised
<br />communities or experience homelessness. Corpsmembers participate in programs and projects that
<br />address critical state needs, including natural resources and land management, energy and climate
<br />programs, emergency response and disaster relief, recycling and land diversion programs, and
<br />active transportation development.
<br />As part of youth training, Participa nts have the option to be placed at Work Experience Site (WEX)
<br />and On-the-job-training locations through various multi-year partnerships with OCCC. Our
<br />community placement partnership sites including the following sites: Aerofit, Pathways Group,
<br />Heavy Equipment College of California, Associated General Contractors of America -
<br />Apprenticeship (AGC), Working Wardrobes Thrift shop, PA Commercial Construction, Heritage
<br />Museum, Boys & Girls Club of Brea, Yorba Linda & Placentia, Anaheim Independencia FRC,
<br />Community Action Partnership, Monkey Business, Walgreen's -(Santa Ana, Anaheim sites),
<br />CVS -(Santa Ana, Anaheim sites), Moxie Glam, Smart & Final, G.0.A.L.S., Costco, Crush
<br />Studios, Friendly Center, Anahei m Library, Goodwill Industries, Mesa Cold Storage,
<br />Orangethorpe Elementary School, and the Southwest Carpentry Union, as measured by the
<br />worksite manager. WEX sites, offered year round, also lead to the opportnnity for direct hire
<br />employment following the completion of the paid job training experience. Today, several sites
<br />continue to employ previous Corpsmembers in WEX who are now Job Coaches, Managers,
<br />Drivers, IT Specialist, Administration Assistants, HR Clerks, Warehouse staff, and more within
<br />that company. Youth training at WEX sites complete a site agreement, orientation specifically
<br />detailing policies, and transitional assistance into competitive employment. OCCC WEX sites
<br />offer paid job training in opportunities that include in-demand industries identified in the Orange
<br />Exhibit 2