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Item 52 - Award Youth Agreements Funded with Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/21/2022 Regular & Special HA
Item 52 - Award Youth Agreements Funded with Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds
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diploma in community college, with an emphasis "Increase staff and student utilization of <br />technology in instruction and learning as demonstrated by teachers and students incorporating 21st <br />Century skills of collaboration, communication, problem-solving, creativity, and character <br />development into assign me nts" -Dave Conner, CCP A Principle, Orange County Department of <br />Education, Division of Alternative Education. <br />OCCC recognizes another major hurdle to competitive employment in Orange County is a <br />driver's license, as nearly 80% of youth entering programs do not have a driver's license. This <br />challenge is especially pervasive for at-risk youth living in low-income neighborhoods. OCCC is <br />currently developing a 3-year plan to develop urban forestry and arboriculture career <br />development in partnership with West Coast Arborists, Orange County Department of Education <br />and the Disneyland Resorts. The project involves tree planting and monitoring within <br />disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged communities, reduction of Greenhouse gas, career <br />development and driver's education. If the grant is awarded through Proposition 68, OCCC plans <br />to provide onsite drive r's education to all youth needing a driver's license the OCCC campus. <br />OCCC offers multiple on-site collaborations with postsecondary institutions, directed at post <br />secondary educational certifications. OCCC collaborated with the North Orange County <br />Regional Consortium for Adult Education (NOCRC), School of Continuing Education, to bring <br />multiple certification progran1s to the OCCC campus. These courses included basic computer <br />skills certification (Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), Early Childhood classwork, <br />IT Certificat ion and other courses. NOCRC provide an on-site teacher, and cohorts of 12-20 <br />youth completed certification coursework� OCCC also collaborated with Pomona Fairplex and <br />the-Water training-program to provide on-site Water Teclmician and Water Distribution <br />California State Certification. OCCC hired an state certified instructor to train cohorts of students <br />to pass the Water Distribution 1 (Dl) and 2 (D2) level testing requirements, as well as the Water <br />Technician I (Tl) and 2 (T2) level certification. The program was also supported by the Orange County Community Foundation, These efforts led to 21 youth participating in the program, <br />youth gaining meaningful employment within the water treatment industry. Field site visits were <br />also taken to various major water treatment facilities throughout the region. <br />OCCC offers multiple on-site collaborations with pre-apprenticeship programs. Associated <br />General Contractors of America -Apprenticeship (AGC) completed on-site presentations, <br />workshops, recruitments, and information session at OCCC. Several Corpsmembers have gone on <br />to complete Journeyman apprenticeships with AGC. OCCC and CCP A have also collaborated with <br />Local 441 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, with the most recent recruitment <br />taking place at the OCCC campus on 1/31/2019 at 3:30pm to all active Corpsmembers (flyer <br />attached to Attachment W). <br />On-site training for Corpsmembers in the conservation paid job training also receive hand tool <br />training skills certification, 4-phase leadership development, workshops, financial literacy, <br />incentives for multiple achievements, food and snacks, hydration flasks, uniforms, boots and safety <br />training skills. Youth receive extensive training in orientation, as part of their on-boarding to the program. Staff meet Corpsmembers at the start of their first shift to provide additional support, <br />answer any questions, assist with the time clock, and assist in the assignment of one's Project <br />Supervisor. <br />Santa Ana City Council Member Jose Solorio provided a letter of support ofOCCC. <br />Exhibit 2
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