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Item 52 - Award Youth Agreements Funded with Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/21/2022 Regular & Special HA
Item 52 - Award Youth Agreements Funded with Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds
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City Clerk
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7.Preparation for Postsecondary Education and Training (3 pages max) <br />OCCC provides integrated services to "at-risk" or "Opportunity Youth". "Opportunity Youth - <br />sometimes referred to as "disconnected youth" -are defined as people between the ages of 16 <br />and 24 who are neither in school nor working. As of 2015, there are approximately 5.8 million <br />young Americans [l in 6 youth] who meet the definition ofOpporttmity Youth" (Bridgeland and <br />Milano, 2012). Further, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration <br />(SAMHSA) found adults under age 24 are the fastest growing segment of people experiencing <br />homelessness, and may be at greater risk of homelessness than any other age group. In 2014, <br />34% of people experiencing homelessness were under age 24, according to Housing and Urban <br />Development (HUD, 2012) report. SAMSHA further reports Opportunity Youth are "failing to <br />build an economic foundation for adult independence". <br />In these 29 years, OCCC has provided paid job training program support to over 8,500 <br />Corpsmembers by instilling a strong work ethic, developing an individual's self-worth, while <br />providing the necessary experience and job skills to ensure that our young adults become <br />successful candidates in the workforce. Corpsmembers receive an education, learn professional <br />job skills, take critical steps forward to become an employed and self-sufficient adult; an asset <br />within their families, as asset within their community, an asset for all of California. <br />The Santa Ana WIOA Participant will have the opportunity. to earn several certificates of <br />completion:-and/ot accotitplislifnerits such ·as: Califorrifa-High-school diploma/GED, Forklift, <br />Chainsaw, Red Cross CPR/First Aid, Safe Serve Food Handlers, California State Guard Card, <br />OSHA-10 hour ( emphasized for Construction), and other job training readiness certifications. Each <br />certification is individualized to advance each Participants progress towards their IBP and ISSP <br />overall goals. <br />The OCCC organizational purpose is to empower young adults to become self-sufficient members <br />of their community. The Corps accomplishes this by offering activities and organized instrnction <br />targeted toward the educational, professional, and personal development of youth. Some of the <br />common and additional measures to be utilized to evaluate the success of this program will be as <br />follows: <br />•Participants who are unemployed and out of school will become enrolled at the Corps and <br />will succes sfully complete the OCCC paid work experience assignment, as measured by <br />the Corps Crew Supervisor's work ledger. The work of OCCC's Corpsmembers help <br />mitigate changing climate impacts through fire fuel reduction, flood protection, water <br />quality, reforestation, habitat restoration, wetlands protection/reparation, wildlife and <br />native species protection, homeless encampment cleanups, bottle/can, tire, E-waste, and oil <br />recycling. All activities support reduction of Green House Gas and a lower-carbon <br />footprint. <br />•Participants enrolled in the CCP A school will earn their high school diploma and will <br />successfully co-enroll in post-secondary education as they get close to graduation, as <br />measured by classroom instructors teaching records <br />•Participants will successfully acquire "soft" and "hard" occupational skills training needed <br />to complete their assigned work projects (i.e. disaster response, habitat restoration, <br />Exhibit 2
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