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getting help and getting out of an abusive relationship. These workshops are presented on a <br />quarterly rotation, as the organization is available to present. <br />The Corps to Career workshop series goes into significant depth about personal a11d professional <br />development. Topics covered include attitude, safety, communication, initiative, cooperation, <br />appearance, work quality vs. quantity, attendance, personal accountability, work ethic, work <br />readiness, leadership skills, disability awareness, volunteering in the community, responsibility, <br />career pathways, certifications, post-secondary education, civic engagement, community. <br />Throughout all of these workshops, analytical skills at the workplace are presented at various <br />topics. Youth are also encouraged to participate in volunteer opportunities thronghout various <br />OCCC partnerships to further their development, and achieve leadership skills as pmi of the Corps <br />to Career model. OCCC also host guest speakers who have significant barriers and disabilities, to <br />provide a common ground of resilience and hope. To show that people in very tough situations <br />can overcome anything, achieve a11ything they set forth in accomplishing, and motivate our yo ung <br />adults to become leaders of tomorrow. <br />Exhibit 2