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12. Supportive Services (1 page max) 0. Will your organization provide supportive services to <br />youth such as gas cards, bus pass, childcare assistance, etc.? If so, please describe. <br />OCCC provides supportive services to youth, including gas expense reimbursement, monthly bus <br />passes, housing support, childcare assistance. Supportive Services comply with WOA <br />Regulations: 663.805: support service may only be provided to individuals who are: participating <br />in core, intensive or training services; unable to obtain supportive services through any other <br />programs provided such services; when they are necessary to enable individuals to participate in <br />the WOA program. Supportive services are available to youth throughout the 12-months in <br />program, as well as the 12-months in follow up after exit. OCCC has provided supportive services <br />and has extensive history in providing this service with care, accountability, and accuracy. At times <br />very special cases will arise, in which the Supportive Services processing procedure will be <br />followed, as with all supportive services (Please see attachment G). <br />Exhibit 2