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Item 52 - Award Youth Agreements Funded with Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/21/2022 Regular & Special HA
Item 52 - Award Youth Agreements Funded with Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds
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8/15/2023 9:43:31 AM
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8/15/2023 9:42:05 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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e.Remedy sought by the complainant; and <br />f.If the complainant is a private or public entity or corporation, and not a natural person, <br />the filing of the complaint must be duly authorized by the governing body of such entity <br />or corporation. <br />The absence of any of the requested information shall not be a basis for dismissing the <br />complaint. <br />A copy of the complaint must be sent to the respondent and both parties notified of the <br />opportunity for an informal resolution. At each step of the complaint process, the complainant <br />must be notified in writing of the next procedural step. <br />2.Informal Conference <br />Informal conferences will be utilized by the Santa Ana LWDA to resolve complaints; <br />however, such informal conferences shall not extend the time within which a decision <br />must be issued after receipt of a complaint. Attempts at informal resolution will <br />commence with two (2) weeks of the date of filing of the complaint. <br />a.The EEO Officer will review the case and ascertain facts prior to the conference so that <br />appropriate resolution can take place at the time of this meeting whenever possi ble. <br />b.Although the complainant should be encouraged to attend this conference, his/her failure <br />to do so should not preclude his/her right to request a hearing on the matter. <br />c.If mutually satisfactory resolution results and the Santa Ana LWDA concurs, the EEO <br />Officer will write a brief report for the file stating the issues and resolution. The matter <br />shall then be considered closed. <br />d.If resolution does not result, the complainant shall be provided the necessary information <br />and assistance to request a hearing if he/she so desires. <br />3.Request for Hearing <br />a.As in the case of the complaint, the request for a hearing should be put in writing and <br />be filed in person or by mail. A governing board resolution of authorization to appeal <br />should also be submitted when appropriate. The request should be filled with: <br />Daniel Durham <br />Sr. Personnel Analyst -EEO Officer <br />20 Civic Center Drive, M-24 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />(714)647-5330 <br />9 <br />EXHIBITC <br />EXHIBIT 1
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