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Tuition Support for certificates or other related academic programs for 20 participauts; books for related <br />course work, laptops, tutoring supplies, and college field trips and other academic supplies. <br />FingerprintingfrB Test; as needed for 20 participants $795.00 20 <br />fingerprinting@$17.25 each $345.00 and 15 TB test @$30 each $450.00 Funds <br />allocated for Dept. of Justice Clearance & TB test for employment. <br />Program Incentives $3,750.00 <br />High School Drop Outs <br />$50 incentive for every two modules or classes completed leading to a High School Diploma <br />2 Youth x 5 (10 modules)= 10 x $50 = $ 500.00 <br />High School Diploma or Post-Secon dary Education <br />$100 incentive for obtaining high school diploma; registering for Fall or Spring Semester at post-secondary <br />institution; or obtaining a credential. <br />15 youth= $1,500 <br />Basic Skills Deficient (BSD) Youth <br />$25 incentive for increasing their EFL score by at least one level in either Math or Reading subjects for participants <br />that are identified as basic skills deficient upon enrollment. <br />40 youth= $1,000 <br />Employment <br />$25 incentive for submitting a job application and obtaining a job interview. 10 <br />youth= $250 <br />$50 incentive for obtaining employment. <br />IO youth= $500 <br />Youth Conferences <br />CW A conference registration fee for 1-2 currently enrolled youth <br />Indirect Cost <br />10% de Minimis <br />Program Documents: <br />$1 000.00 <br />$10 887.50 <br />a.WIA Youth Sign in Sheet: Participants will log and track all activities and hours accumulated on a day <br />by day basis and have supervisor sign to confirm time of arrival and departure to their activities. <br />Activities can include Work Base Learning Hours, Class training, case management and education <br />counseling meetings, Math/English tutoring session etc. <br />b.WIA Youth Time Sheet: Participant will turn in a weekly time sheet with all hours accumulated <br />throughout the weeks in activities attended. Youth will be asked to log their tasks in detail in order to <br />provide proof of activities attended. Activities can include Work Base Learning Hours, Class training, <br />liilllHli•J <br />EXHIBIT 1