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Assurances & Certifications <br />Selected providers will be required to sign and submit "actual" assurances and certificates as required by <br />the City of Santa Ana and the Workforce Development Board on all contracts. <br />I recognire that I must give assurances for each item below. Ifl cannot, this proposal will be <br />automatically rejected. Please initial each box. <br />�I am authoro:ed by my Board of Director.., Trustees, other legally qualified oficer, or as the owner of <br />is agency or business to submit this proposal. <br />We are not currently on any Federal, State of California, or local Debarment list. <br />We will provide records to show that we are fiscally solvent, if needed. <br />We have, or will have, aJI of the fiscal control and accounting procedures needed to ensure that <br />�OA funds will be used as required by law and contract. {Jff" we have additional funding sources and will not be dependent on WIOA funds alone. <br />We do or will meet the applicable Federal, State. and local compliance requirements. These include, but are not limited to: <br />Records accurately reflect actUal performance. <br />Maintain record confidentiality, as required. <br />eporting financial, participant, and perfonnance data, as requioo. <br />Comply with State and Federal fiscal and program activity audits. <br />Complying with Federal and State non-discrimination provisions. <br />eeting requiremenli of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. <br />eeting requirements of the American's with Disabilities Act of 1990. (submit completed survey) <br />eeting all applicable labor law, including Child Labor Law standards. <br />gree to provide a drug free workplace. Agree to insure the City of Santa Ana throu� General Liability Insurance and Automobile Liability <br />overage in the amount of$1,000,000.00 policy. <br />gree to provide all participants with Grievance Procedures. <br />gree to insure proposer's employees through Workers Compensation Insurance <br />�including parMime employees) <br />� Procurement policies and procedures are in place and meet federal guidelines. <br />W.e ,viii not: <br />, <br />lace a youth in a position that will displace a current employee. <br />Use WIOA money to assist., promote, or deter union organizing. se funds to employ or train of persons in sectarian activities. <br />Use funds for youth in the construction, operation, or maintenance of any part of a facility to be used _:mv. for sectarian instruction or religious worship. <br />{MJJJ 1 Use WIOA funds for activities that would interfere with or replace regular academic requirements for <br />eligible youth who are not dropouts. 4' Use WIOA funds to cany out programs funded under the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 <br />.. �nless the program(s) are only for youth eligible to participate WJder WIOA.Crt!J Use WIOA money under this contract to purchase any equipment. <br />I hereby assure that all of the above are true. <br />Dr. Ana Jimenez-Hami <br />Name <br />Executive Director <br />Title <br />EXHIBITH <br />3-24-2022 <br />Date <br />EXHIBIT 1