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Item 62 - Pre-Commitment of Affordable Housing Funds for Jamboree Housing Corporation and WISEPlace
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/21/2022 Regular & Special HA
Item 62 - Pre-Commitment of Affordable Housing Funds for Jamboree Housing Corporation and WISEPlace
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Last modified
8/15/2023 9:47:21 AM
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8/15/2023 9:46:24 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Tenant Income Certification (April 2021)5 <br />Part III - Annual Income <br />See HUD Handbook 4350.3 for complete instructions on verifying and calculating income, including acceptable forms of verification. <br />From the third party verification forms obtained from each income source, enter the gross amount anticipated to be received for the twelve months <br />from the effective date of the (re)certification. Complete a separate line for each income -earning member. List each respective household member <br />number from Part II. Include anticipated income only if documentation exists verifying pending employment. If any adult state s zero-income, please <br />note “zero” in the columns of Part III. <br />Column (A) Enter the annual amount of wages, salaries, tips, commissions, bonuses, and other income from employment; <br />distributed profits and/or net income from a business. <br />Column (B) Enter the annual amount of Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, pensions, military retirement, etc. <br />Column (C) Enter the annual amount of income received from public assistance (i.e., TANF, general assistance, disability, <br />etc.). <br />Column (D) Enter the annual amount of alimony, child support, unemployment benefits, or any other income regularly <br />received by the household. <br />Row (E) Add the totals from columns (A) through (D), above. Enter this amount. <br />Part IV - Income from Assets <br />See HUD Handbook 4350.3 for complete instructions on verifying and calculating income from as sets, including acceptable forms of <br />verification. <br />From the third party verification forms obtained from each asset source, list the gross amount anticipated to be received dur ing the twelve months <br />from the effective date of the certification. If individual household member income is provided, list the respective household member number from <br />Part II and complete a separate line for each member. <br />Column (F) List the type of asset (i.e., checking account, savings account, etc.) <br />Column (G) Enter C (for current, if the family currently owns or holds the asset), or I (for imputed, if the family has disposed <br />of the asset for less than fair market value within two years of the effective date of (re)certification). <br />Column (H) Enter the cash value of the respective asset. <br />Column (I) Enter the anticipated annual income from the asset (i.e., savings account balance multiplied by the annual <br />interest rate). <br />TOTALS Add the total of Column (H) and Column (I), respectively. <br />If the total in Column (H) is greater than $5,000, you must do an imputed calculation of asset income. Enter the Total Cash Value, multiply by <br />0.06% and enter the amount in (J), Imputed Income. <br />Row (K) <br />Row (L) <br />Enter the greater of the total in Column (I) or (J) <br />Total Annual Household Income From all Sources Add (E) and (K) and enter the total <br />HOUSEHOLD CERTIFICATION AND SIGNATURES <br />After all verifications of income and/or assets have been received and calculated, each household member age 18 or older must sign and date the <br />Tenant Income Certification. For move-in, it is recommended that the Tenant Income Certification be signed no earlier than 5 days prior to the <br />effective date of the certification. <br />Total Annual Household Income from all <br />Sources <br />Current Federal LIHTC Income Limit per <br />Unit Meets Federal Income Restriction at <br />60%, 50% or A.I.T (20% - 80%) <br />Current Bond Income Limit per Family <br />Size <br />Part V – Determination of Income Eligibility <br />Enter the number from item (L). <br />Enter the Current Move-in Income Limit for the household size – specifically, the max income <br />limit for the federal 60%, 50% or A.I.T (20% - 80%) set aside. <br />Enter the Current most restrictive Move-in Income Limit for the household size – specifically, the <br />max income limit incorporating both federal and in some instances more restrictive state standards <br />as reflected in the 50% or 60% set aside detailed in the Bond Regulatory Agreement. <br />EXHIBIT 5
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