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Sec_ 1010. - Prohibitions_ <br />a) No officer or employee of the City shall in anyway favor or discriminate <br />against any employee of the Oily or any applicant for employment with the <br />City because of the employee's his OFheP Paee; age, CelGF, FeligiOR, sex GF <br />A;+ -^"-a' GFigiR_ Membership in a protected class under state or federal late_ <br />b) No officer or employee of the City shall engage in any political activities <br />in violation of Chapter 9.^ of Division 4 of Title 1 of the California Government <br />Code (commencing with Section 2201) as the same exists on the date of <br />adoption of this section or as the same may be thereafter amended, or in <br />violation of any other provisions of applicable lavi- <br />c)No officer or employee of the City and no candidate for any City office shall, <br />directly or indirectly, solicit any assessment: subscription, or contribution, <br />whether voluntary or involrintary, for any political candidate, for Santa Ana <br />municipal office from anyone on an eligible list, or, with the exception of <br />elective officers and members of appointive boards and commissions, <br />anyone holding a position in the service of the City. <br />d) No person shall willfully orthrough culpable negligence mare any false <br />statement; certificate, mark; rating: or report in regard to any application; test <br />certification, or appointment held or made under the provisions of this article <br />or in any manner commit or attempt any fraud preventing the impartial <br />execution of such provisions of this article or of the rules and regulations <br />made hereunder. <br />e) No officerar employee shall use nepotism in contractinq. hiring. <br />promotion. discipline or any other employment decision. The City Council <br />shall adopt an anti-nepotisr i policy. <br />Slide 31 <br />Charter Review <br />City Manager's Office <br />April 5,2022