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■ Adoption of Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />■ Adoption of the Mitigation Monitoring Program <br />■ Adoption of any ordinances, guidelines, programs, actions, or other mechanisms that <br />implement the Santa Ana General Plan update <br />D. STATEMENT OF PROJECT OBJECTIVES <br />The updated General Plan is based on a vision statement and core values established as part of <br />an extensive, multiyear community outreach effort. The City has identified the following core <br />values to guide the General Plan Update (GPU): <br />■ Health. The people of Santa Ana value a physical environment that encourages healthy <br />lifestyles, a planning process that ensures that health impacts are considered, and a <br />community that actively pursues policies and practices that improve the health of our <br />residents. <br />■ Equity. Residents value taking all necessary steps to ensure equitable outcomes, expanding <br />access to the tools and resources that residents need, and balancing competing interests in <br />an open and democratic manner. <br />■ Sustainability. Santa Ana values land use decisions that benefit future generations, plans for <br />the impacts of climate change, and incorporates sustainable design practices at all levels of <br />the planning process. <br />■ Culture. The Santa Ana's community values efforts that celebrate our differences as a source <br />of strength, preserve and build upon existing cultural resources, and nurture a citywide culture <br />of empowered residents. <br />■ Education. Santa Ana values the creation of lifelong learners, the importance of opening up <br />educational opportunities to all residents, and investing in educational programs that advance <br />residents' economic well-being. <br />These core values were used as the basis to define more specific project objectives to aid decision <br />makers in their review of the GPU and associated environmental impacts. The objectives include: <br />1. Promote infill development while respecting and protecting established neighborhoods. <br />2. Optimize high density residential and mixed -use development that maximizes potential use of <br />mass transit. <br />3. Provide locations for new housing development that maximizes affordable housing <br />opportunities to achieve both City and regional housing goals. <br />4. Facilitate new development at intensities sufficient to generate community benefits and attract <br />economic activity. <br />Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -17- <br />October 2021 <br />