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Item 31 - Contract to Grant Thornton Public Sector LLC for American Rescue Plan Act
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/21/2021 Regular
Item 31 - Contract to Grant Thornton Public Sector LLC for American Rescue Plan Act
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Last modified
8/16/2023 3:50:54 PM
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8/16/2023 3:50:31 PM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Grant Thornton Public Sector LLC City of Santa Ana | RFQ 21- 093 <br /> Revised Proposal <br />Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal or quotation. <br />31 <br />The goal of communications is for all stakeholders involved in and affected by the project to receive and <br />understand the information they need. With this goal in mind, Grant Thornton tailors its communication <br />to two main groups: our internal team, and our client. Communication tactics specific to each group are <br />described below. <br />Internal Team: Grant Thornton recognizes the importance of communication in accomplishing accurate, <br />complete, and efficient service delivery. We have implemented horizontal and vertical team <br />communication channels to allow information to flow freely throughout all levels and sub-teams. Our <br />Supervisors perform daily standup calls with their sub-teams to discuss the work accomplished, work <br />planned for the day ahead, and any barriers or challenges to be addressed. Supervisors leverage the <br />information gathered in these standups to gauge risks and issues and escalate them to management as <br />needed. Our entire ARPA funds management team also participates in weekly touchpoints that include <br />any big picture updates, policy and procedure changes, and training opportunities. <br />Our Client: At Grant Thornton, we pride ourselves on prioritizing and being responsive to client needs. <br />An important component of our responsiveness is communicating early and often with our client. Our <br />ARPA funds management team will establish regular client checkpoints to confirm mutual understanding <br />of needs and expectations. Client <br />checkpoints include weekly status <br />meetings, and ad hoc meetings. We will <br />also communicate frequently via email, <br />phone, and within provided platforms to <br />provide the City of Santa Ana with <br />access to all the knowledge we’ve <br />gathered throughout our interactions <br />with Federal and State agencies, including communications, best practices and compliance playbooks <br />that have been tested against regulatory frameworks such as 2.CFR.200. These resources are <br />constantly updated by our Subject Matter Experts who are supported by dedicated policy analysts. <br /> <br />2.5 Data Requirements from City <br />According to the City’s response to Question #14 of Addendum 2: Q&A, the City would like to know what <br />types of data/information will be required from the City’s staff to complete the project. While responding to <br />and recovering from the COVID-19 public health emergency is understandably a high priority for the City, <br />as experienced managers of grants related to crisis response and recovery, we are sensitive to the fact <br />that the City’s staff have many other high priorities and demands for their attention that may not be <br />related to the projects contained within the City’s Revive Santa Ana Spending Plan. Our team’s focus in <br />providing these services to the City will be to act as a partner and stakeholder in the City’s recovery and <br />share in the responsibility of its administration. As partners in the City’s response and recovery we will do <br />our share, and play our part, so that the City’s staff can focus on other high priorities with confidence that <br />the project’s that the City has identified as critical to the City’s response and recovery from COVID-19 will <br />not be delayed. This process will begin in the General Planning and Reporting Meeting as detailed in the <br />RFQ. In this meeting our team will obtain the information it needs to understand the City’s operations and <br />clearly define the responsibilities and expectations of Team Grant Thornton. Promptly after this meeting <br />our team will tailor its requests for information and data to specifically achieve the tasks and <br />responsibilities that were assigned. Generally, to properly assess projects and expenditures for <br />compliance with ARPA guidance and federal uniform administrative requirements we anticipate that some <br />of the information and data that our team will request will include: <br />• Policies and procedures related to procurement, contracting, human resources, and employee <br />compensation <br />• Budgetary data including general ledgers, previous audits, and general revenue collections <br />• Procurement and use of funds information including invoices, purchase orders, and contracts <br />In its response to Questions #1 and #11 of Addendum 2: Q&A, the City indicated that the it is tracking <br />ARPA and other COVID-19 relief funding using the City’s Lawson Infor financial accounting system. Grant <br />Thornton is a strategic implementation partner for Infor and maintains a strategic practice within GT to <br />At Metrolink Grant Thornton developed web-based dashboard to <br />report the transit authority’s COVID-19 (FTA and FEMA) <br />spending for both internal executive staff and well as a public <br />communication.
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