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Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />Building Agency may exempt a developer from one or more <br />of the requirements of this article if, in the case of affordable <br />housing, the developer can show that it will be in jeopardy of <br />losing tax credits, or if an applicable project does not require <br />a resubmittal following initial submittal; <br />(3)New non-residential projects (including additions to existing <br />buildings) of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or more and <br />which are, in the determination of the city, subject to a <br />negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration or <br />environmental impact report as defined under the California <br />Environmental Quality Act; <br />(4)Development projects requiring a zone change, specific plan <br />amendment, or general plan amendment. <br />(b)Number and timing of community meeting. For those development <br />projects that meet the criteria listed in subsection 2-153(a), the <br />applicant shall hold two one (21) community meetings. The first <br />community meeting shall be held no later than twenty (20) days after <br />submittal of an application for administrative site plandevelopment <br />project review. The second community meeting shall be held no <br />earlier than ten (10) days prior to the development project being <br />resubmitted by the applicant to the City after receipt of comments <br />resulting from the City’s development project review. Should the <br />applicant fail to hold the community meetings within this time, the <br />completion of administrative site plandevelopment project review <br />shall be delayed until such time as the community meeting s areis <br />held. <br />(c)Noticing. Notice of any community meeting held under this section <br />shall be provided to all property owners, and at least one (1) <br />occupant per dwelling unit having a valid United States Postal <br />Service address within a 15000-foot radius of the subject property. <br />Said notice shall be mailed no less than ten (10) days prior to the <br />community meeting. The notice shall also be posted on the <br />development project site and published in a newspaper of general <br />circulation no less than ten (10) days prior to the community meeting. <br />The city shall then post the notice on the city's website. It shall be the <br />sole responsibility of the applicant to prepare and distribute this <br />notice. <br />(d)Notice content. The notice shall include the time, place and date of <br />the community meeting; a map depicting the location of the subject <br />property, including the properties contained within the notification <br />boundary; a brief description of the project; and the applicant's <br />contact information. The notice shall be written in English and <br />Spanish and include instructions as to how to request language <br />interpretation services for those wishing to have interpretation during <br />the community meeting in languages other than English.