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Item 24 - Tustin Avenue Corridor Traffic Signal Synchronization Project (Project 21-6983)
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
09/21/2021 Regular and Special
Item 24 - Tustin Avenue Corridor Traffic Signal Synchronization Project (Project 21-6983)
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City Clerk
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TUSTIN AVENUE/ROSE DRIVE <br />RTSSP GRANT APPLICATION OCTOBER 2019 <br />SECTION 4: PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR THE PROJECT <br />Primary Implementation (PI) <br />The Primary Implementation phase will last approximately one year and include the following elements: <br />Task 1: <br />Task 2: <br />Task 3: <br />Task 4: <br />Task 5: <br />Task 6: <br />Project Administration <br />Data Collection <br />Field Review and Plans Specifications, and Estimates <br />Signal Timing Optimization and Implementation <br />The City of Orange will lead the project using contracted consultant staff to optimize signal <br />synchronization timing along the Tustin Avenue/Rose Drive corridor. Orange shall perform normal day <br />to day project administration duties. Local agency staff will perform local project administration duties. <br />Project budget shall include time and funding for agency outreach and coordination. Orange will be <br />responsible for all fiduciary elements of the project including dissemination of any funds and/or <br />collection of funds from the partnering agencies. Project Administration services by Orange will <br />include but not be limited to administration, engineering and design, coordination, presentation and <br />other related responsibilities to ensure a timely project delivery. The budget shall include time and <br />funding for outreach and cooperative agreement development and matching funds required by the <br />partners. <br />The Consultant contracted by the City of Orange will collect data necessary to thoroughly understand <br />existing traffic conditions in the study area, develop a concept of operations, and be able to develop <br />optimal time-of-day traffic signal coordination plans for specific zones and traffic generators as <br />applicable. <br />The City of Orange's contracted consultant shall be a qualified traffic engineering consultant with the <br />ability to complete the engineering design of the fiber upgrade and communications for the project. <br />The Consultant will review the geometric layout, existing traffic signal equipment, and signal <br />synchronization related infrastructure to identify any deficiencies for each intersection and along the <br />whole corridor/route. The review shall include an assessment of the existing intersection geometry, <br />traffic conditions, traffic signal control equipment, and telemetry/interconnect facilities along the <br />corridor and of each intersection using observation, available as-built plans, consultation with the local <br />AGENCIES, and Party supplied aerial photos. Based on the initial assessment by the partnering <br />agencies and with their respective permission, the CONSULTANT shall inspect the interior of each <br />traffic control cabinet, inspect the telemetry systems and determine their respective condition and <br />make recommendations for equipment upgrades. The project scope shall encourage innovative <br />solutions and also account for unforeseen conditions. <br />The City of Orange's contracted consultant shall be a qualified traffic engineering consultant with the <br />ability to conduct "before" floating car travel runs prior to timing implementation. The Consultant will <br />conduct a ‘Before’ field study report representative of the times and days for which synchronization <br />plans will be developed. The report shall identify Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) to evaluate the <br />effects of the synchronization plans. MOE’s will likely include traffic flow, travel time, average speed, <br />number of stops per mile, number of intersections traversed on green vs. stopped by red (Greens per <br />Red) (note: Average Speed, Stops per Mile, and Greens per Red are the new OCTA MOE, Corridor <br />Synchronization Performance Index (CSPI)), fuel consumption reduction, pollution reduction, and <br />other pertinent items. Agencies with Automated Signal Performance Measures should provide any <br />data or analytics as part of the Before Study. <br />Corridor "Before" Study <br />Corridor "After" Study <br />The City of Orange's contracted consultant shall be a qualified traffic engineering consultant with the <br />ability to conduct "after" floating car travel runs after timing implementation. The Consultant will <br />Synchronization or coordination will be inter-jurisdictional in nature. All existing special generators <br />such as schools or attractive businesses, traffic patterns, flows, and conditions will be taken into <br />account. Synchronized timing will be developed for the AM Peak, PM Peak, Mid-day Peak and <br />Weekend Peak. Crossing Arterial projects that have recently been timed will be considered as part of <br />the project. Timing plans will be developed that assist traffic in getting to its destination without regard <br />to physical or jurisdictional boundaries. <br />4
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