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City of Santa Ana <br />RFP: Homeless Navigation Center <br />Homeless Services Manager: Hired to coordinate and address the City's homeless efforts <br />through internal and external collaborations at the local, state and federal level, <br />Interdepartmental Team, Created to execute projects and initiatives addressing <br />homelessness. <br />Quality of Life Team: Designed a multidisciplinary team comprised of staff from the Santa Ana <br />Police Department, Public Works Agency, Parks and Recreation, Community Development <br />Agency, and Orange County Health Care Agency outreach workers. This team address <br />homelessness concerns in the community related to municipal code violations, property storage, <br />proper use of public/private property and provision Of Supportive services to individuals <br />experiencing homelessness. <br />Advocating for Regional Collaborative: Active participation with Federal District Judge David <br />Carter, and responding to lawsuits on the establishment of homeless shelter and anti - <br />encampment laws, <br />Four Point Homeless Strategic Plan. Crafted a draft plan outlining over 30 recommendations <br />to address homelessness, including outreach and supportive services, affordable housing <br />needs, strategic, policy development and more. <br />Point-in-Tirne Count, Planned and executed a City Point -In -Time Count that surveyed the <br />homeless population in Santa Ana within less than 24, hours to gather robust data supporting <br />the increase of homelessness in Santa Ana. <br />Operation Civic Center Plaza: Outreached to 234. individuals in the Civic Center encampment <br />to refer to shelter and resources in an effort to transition out of the Civic Center plaza and into <br />stable housing, <br />Declaration of an Emergency: On August 21. 2018 City Council approved a resolution <br />declaring a shelter crisis related to homelessness. <br />W- <br />