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City of Santa Ana <br />RFP: Homeless Navigation Center <br />General Standards « Adequate on -site staffing with appropriate on -going staff training <br />m 24-hour security to ensure a safe environment for clients, <br />volunteers, and others <br />4) Operator to include data analysis as well as service delivery <br />40 Designated point -of -contact who is available at all times to <br />address issues that may arise at the shelter and willingness to <br />coordinate security issues with the Santa Ana Police <br />Department <br />a Means for clients to provide input into programs <br />Property Management Respondent will maintain a secure and healthful environment for <br />delivery of all services, including: <br />Site control, prompt maintenance and repair, utilities, security, <br />janitorial services, waste removal and disposal, regularly <br />laundered linens, and other occupancy related items <br />Secure entrylexits for clients and service providers to be <br />monitored by staff <br />A fire escape ernercgency plan <br />A fire watch, which shall be maintained at all times <br />A written drug and alcohol free policy for staff that is <br />posted/displayed on -site at all times, 'The written policy shall <br />include and describe the disciplinary action to result from the <br />illegal use, consumption, distribution, and/or possession of <br />drugs and/or alcohol <br />13 <br />