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Item 22 - Approve an Operational Agreement with Illumination Foundation
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
09/07/2021 Regular
Item 22 - Approve an Operational Agreement with Illumination Foundation
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Last modified
4/9/2024 11:36:10 AM
Creation date
8/17/2023 1:35:50 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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City of Santa Ana <br />RFP: Homeless Navigation Center <br />PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS <br />A complete Proposal package shall be submitted on PlanetBids on or before the deadline <br />listed on the cover of this RFP. <br />Additionally, five (5) hard copies of the electronic Submission on PlanetBids shall be delivered <br />to the City of Santa Ana to the location rioted on the Notice Inviting Proposals. Hard copy <br />Proposals and Deposits shall be submitted per instructions on PlanetBids. <br />One of the hard copies shall be marked as "ORIGINAL" and shall be wet signed by a company <br />Official with the power to bind the company and submitted to the City of Santa Ana. Please be <br />explicit in identifying the appropriate contractual person with legal authority to bind the <br />company for contract execution purposes, <br />Font size shall be minimum 'I 1-point Arial. Proposal exhibits shall be maximum I I " x 17". <br />All project proposals must contain the following sections and information to be considered <br />responsive: <br />Operator Exioerience and Capaeltv - (25 points), <br />A. Team. Describe the team members and their duties as part of the team. Resumes of <br />key staff should be included. If more than one nonprofit is partnering in the service <br />delivery describe the role of each entity. Documentation to be included in the Exhibits <br />for each entity: <br />1) An organizational chart showing lines of responsibility <br />2) Documentation that each entity is certified by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service <br />as a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt non-profit, corporation <br />3) Documentation that each entity is in good standing with both local, state and <br />federal compliance, <br />B. Experience. Describe the team's experience providing social service programs to <br />individuals experiencing homelessness and operating a year-round shelter/navigation <br />center, with an emphasis on experience gained in the last five years on projects similar <br />to the proposed Homeless Navigation Center. Describe team's experience working in <br />the coordinated entry system. Describe team's property management experience_ <br />Providedata and information about performance outcomes for similar projects assuring <br />exits to permanent housing. <br />C. Capacity. Describe the team's administrative and managerial capacity to oversee the <br />work necessary to Successfully operate the proposed project. Provide evidence of <br />19 <br />
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