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Exhibit 2 <br />Grand Jury Recommendations and City Responses <br />Recommendation City response <br />R1 The Orange County Grand Jury recommends that the Santa Ana <br />City Council require an annual report specifically detailing all Retail <br />Adult-Use Cannabis money spent each fiscal year. This report <br />should be presented to the Santa Ana City Council and made <br />public. This should be completed by December 31, 2021, for fiscal <br />year 2020-21, and by September 30 following each fiscal year <br />thereafter. (F1) <br />The City can prepare a detailed spending report as recommended by the Grand Jury. Detailed spending information for <br />FY19-20 and FY20-21 was presented to City Council with the August 17, 2021 agenda. A detailed spending report can be <br />presented to City Council by December 31 each year. However, the City cannot commit to a detailed spending report by <br />September 30 for future years, as the general ledger is not fully reconciled and audited by each September 30. <br />R2 The Orange County Grand Jury recommends that the City of Santa <br />Ana designate an individual to oversee and provide centralized <br />coordination of Retail Adult-Use Cannabis activity commencing <br />January 1, 2022. (F3) <br />This recommendation has already been implemented by the City since 2020. The City created the Cannabis Office & <br />Operations Logistics unit with trained staff within the Planning and Building Agency to serve as the central repository for <br />cannabis information and inquiries. This Office functions as a “one-stop shop” to administer the commercial cannabis <br />regulatory program. <br /> <br />With a concierge-approach mindset, the Office tailors its approach to match the unique circumstances of this new <br />industry and specifically addresses and coordinates applications for commercial cannabis permits in the City of Santa Ana. <br />As the central resource for the City, this Office works directly with State of California cannabis regulatory agency, <br />pertinent City and external agencies, and cannabis business stakeholders in the implementation of the city’s cannabis <br />program to ensure adherence to the city’s municipal code and prompt openings of new businesses. <br /> <br />As part of its task, the Office also works with City Attorney’s Office and the Police Department on background checks and <br />coordinates enforcement and compliance with applicable regulations. <br /> <br />R3 The Orange County Grand Jury recommends that the City of Santa <br />Ana create a process to report to the Santa Ana City Council and <br />the residents of Santa Ana detailed information about the <br />participation of Retail Adult-Use Cannabis dispensaries in the <br />Community Benefits Program by December 31, 2021 and yearly <br />thereafter. (F6) <br />Upon adopting an ordinance to allow and regulate adult-use retail cannabis businesses in Santa Ana, the City required all <br />adult-use cannabis retailers to enter into an Operating Agreement to accomplish several goals: 1. Require full compliance <br />with all ordinance requirements to operate a cannabis business in Santa Ana; 2. Commit to payment of operating fees <br />based on business activities; and 3. Engage businesses with the Santa Ana community through local hiring, local sourcing, <br />volunteer events, charitable contributions, and sustainable business practices for the environment and for employees. <br />Upon the adoption of subsequent ordinances and voter-approved taxes in Measure Y, many of the goals of the Operating <br />Agreement were replaced by ordinance but the community benefits component remained. <br /> <br />All cannabis businesses continue to commit to various forms of community benefits, and results have been successful, <br />with cannabis businesses providing various forms of charitable contributions, volunteer hours, toy drives, participation in <br />Covid-19 relief programs like CARES Act measures, and food drives. The City recognizes the opportunity to continue <br />building upon the program drawing from City’s experience with the Operating Agreement process, as community benefit <br />commitments may take many different forms and functions. Staff are currently drafting measures to replace the <br />Operating Agreement in its entirety and to develop measurable community benefit and commitment requirements. <br />These changes are will be presented for City Council consideration in early 2022. <br />