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<br />Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 9 of 14 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (3) Comparable to the market rate units included in the residential <br />project in terms of design, materials, finished quality, and appearance; and <br /> <br /> (4) Permitted the same access to project amenities and recreational <br />facilities, as are market rate units. <br /> <br /> (b) Timing of construction. All inclusionary units in a residential project shall be <br />constructed concurrent with, or before the construction of the market rate units. If the <br />city approves a phased project, a proportional share of the required inclusionary units <br />shall be provided within each phase of the residential project. <br /> <br /> (c) Location outside the proposed original project. For projects where the <br />developer proposes to either produce new inclusionary units or rehabilitate existing off- <br />site units to meet the inclusionary affordable housing requirements of this ordinance, the <br />off-site project(s) containing the required inclusionary units shall be subject to the <br />following requirements: <br /> <br /> (1) The sum-total area (in habitable square feet) of all the newly <br />constructed off-site inclusionary units shall be the same number of habitable square feet <br />of inclusionary area as required by this ordinance. For the purpose of the calculation of <br />the number of square feet of required inclusionary housing, the total gross habitable <br />square feet of the housing units of the original market rate project shall be used, as <br />measured from exterior walls to exterior walls of the market units provided as the base <br />for calculation either ten (10) percent for very low income or fifteen (15) percent for low <br />income inclusionary units. The common areas, exterior hallways, stairways, patios, and <br />balconies shall not be calculated in determining the number of required square feet of <br />inclusionary housing production. All new or rehabilitated units must meet all current <br />zoning and general plan standards. <br /> <br /> (2) While the total number of square feet of inclusionary housing <br />requirement is calculated based on the requirements of this ordinance, the number of <br />units, bedrooms and other amenities on the proposed off-site inclusionary housing <br />location shall be approved by the review authority commensurate with the size and type <br />of units most in demand at the time of submittal of the application. <br /> <br /> (3) Any off-site affordable inclusionary housing project shall be <br />substantially comparable to the market rate units included in the residential project in <br />terms of quality of design, materials and finishes. <br /> <br /> (4) If tenants are displaced due to rehabilitation of housing to meet the <br />inclusionary unit requirement, the developer shall be responsible for relocation costs as <br />required by state law. <br />