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2629/022499-0087 <br />14979764.1 a08/02/21 -2- <br /> <br />for PFOA and PFOS, the first step in the regulatory process leading to DDW setting <br />enforceable MCLs. As of the Effective Date, DDW projected establishing PHGs for PFOA <br />and PFOS in 2021, with MCLs projected to be established by the Fall of 2023. <br />G. The Parties recognize the necessity of and commit to a high level of coordination to <br />expeditiously design, construct and operate a PFAS treatment system (“Treatment System”) <br />to remove PFAS from groundwater extracted by Well #38. <br />H. Until a Treatment System is constructed for Well #38, the City will be purchasing greater <br />amounts of more expensive imported water. <br />I. OCWD and the City mutually desire to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the OCWD Act <br />to document the responsibilities of the Parties in the funding, design, construction and <br />operation of the Well #38 PFAS Treatment System. <br />J. OCWD has the authority to “construct, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire, and to operate <br />and maintain necessary waterworks and other works, machinery, [and] facilities ... useful or <br />necessary to … protect the quality of the common water supplies of [OCWD] and purposes <br />incidental thereto.” OCWD may also perform groundwater cleanup, abatement, or remedial <br />work in cooperation with any other governmental agency, and may initiate cost recovery <br />actions against persons responsible for causing contamination of the Basin, and for its costs <br />in cleaning up or containing contamination or pollution of the Basin. OCWD is also <br />authorized under Section 2(6)(l.) of the OCWD Act to protect and improve water quality <br />within the Basin by entering into contracts with Producers to produce more groundwater from <br />the Basin, while taking less water from alternative non-tributary sources, where OCWD <br />determines that such increased production of groundwater will result in removal of <br />contaminants or pollutants from the Basin that otherwise would not be removed. Specifically, <br />OCWD has authority, “for the common benefit of the district and for the purpose of managing <br />the groundwater basin and managing, replenishing, regulating, and protecting the <br />groundwater supplies within the district” to enter into an agreement with Producers to increase <br />the production of groundwater in lieu of water from an alternative non-tributary source for <br />the purpose of removing contaminants or pollutants from the Basin. OCWD may also “pay <br />from district funds that portion of the cost of the groundwater production as will encourage <br />the production for beneficial use of polluted or contaminated groundwater, as long as that <br />pollution or contamination is impairing the quality of the water supplies within the district <br />and the quality of the water supplies within the district will be improved by that production.” <br />K. Well #38 is very important to the City’s operations to provide reliable water supplies to its <br />service area. Given OCWD’s ongoing implementation of the design and construction of <br />PFAS treatment facilities at other City wells under the OCWD Program, the City has <br />requested that OCWD design and construct necessary PFAS treatment facilities as quickly as <br />possible for this well under the terms of this Agreement. <br />The Parties therefore agree as follows: <br />1. The Recitals above are deemed true and correct and are hereby incorporated in this <br />Agreement as though fully set forth herein. The Parties agree that the actions that will be taken