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Item 21 - PFAS Treatment System at Well 38
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/17/2021 Regular
Item 21 - PFAS Treatment System at Well 38
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8/17/2023 4:03:06 PM
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8/17/2023 4:02:52 PM
City Clerk
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INSURANCE NOT REQUIRED A-2020-103 <br />WORK MAY PROCEED Return ORIGINAL <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL executed eoov to rOTC, <br />to Tc V 13S I ; I O M-30 EXHIBIT 1 <br />Wa (lt leir IolP1 rM PFAS TREATMENT FACILITIES AND PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />This PFAS TREATMENT FACILITIES AND PROGRAM AGREEMENT (the <br />Agreement") is effective on the date identified in Section 10. 17 ("Effective Date") of the <br />Agreement, and is between the ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a special governmental <br />district organized and existing pursuant to the Orange County Water District Act, Chapter 924, <br />Statutes of 1933, as amended ("OCWD") on the one hand, and the Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, <br />Garden Grove, Orange, Santa Ana and Tustin; and the East Orange County Water District, Irvine <br />Ranch Water District, Serrano Water District, Yorba Linda Water District, and Golden State Water <br />Company (each a "Producer," and collectively "Producers"') on the other. OCWD and the <br />Producers are each a "Party" and collectively "Parties" to this Agreement. <br />A. OCWD manages the Orange County Groundwater Basin ("Basin") in northern and <br />central Orange County in order to support a variety of beneficial uses, including potable and non - <br />potable water supply. Much of the potable water supply currently used within northern and central <br />Orange County is pumped groundwater for use by persons and Producers within OCWD's service <br />area. Section 2, subdivision 60.) of the Orange County Water District Act ("OCWD Act") <br />authorizes OCWD to "transport, reclaim, purify, treat, inject, extract, or otherwise manage and <br />control water for the beneficial use of persons or property within the district and to improve and <br />protect the quality of the groundwater supplies within the district." Inasmuch as Orange County <br />is located in a semi -arid area, it is essential that all reasonable efforts be put forth by OCWD, in <br />cooperation with the Producers, to protect the quality and quantity of groundwater supplies within <br />OCWD's boundaries. <br />B. A group of man-made substances known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances <br />PFAS") has been used in numerous consumer and industrial products since the 1940s. Recent <br />testing in the Basin has revealed that as of the Effective Date, at least eleven producers and at least <br />71 groundwater wells that are sources of drinking water in the Basin are impacted by PFAS. <br />C. Producers are governmental agencies (or a regulated public utility) that operate <br />public water systems for the purpose of delivering potable water. They obtain a portion of their <br />water supply by pumping groundwater from Water Producing Facilities within the Basin. <br />D. In July 2018, the State of California Division of Drinking Water ("DDW") <br />established a Response Level ("RL") of 70 parts per trillion ("ppt") for perfluorooctanoic acid <br />PFOA") and 70 ppt perfluorooctane sulfonate ("PFOS"), two types of PFAS. In February 2020, <br />DDW established revised RLs of 10 parts ppt for PFOA and 40 ppt for PFOS. Assembly Bill 756, <br />codified at Health and Safety Code Section 116378, and effective January 1, 2020, requires that <br />community water systems, including Producers, either notify their customers of PFAS detections <br />Producers" means the listed public agencies (and a regulated public utility) identified herein, <br />and groundwater pumpers later added per Section 10. 16, that extract groundwater from the Basin <br />via "Water Producing Facilities" (as that term is defined in Section 24 of the OCWD Act), and <br />who are adversely impacted by PFAS in one or more Water Producing Facility/Faeilities they own <br />or operate. <br />1629/022499-0087 <br />14979764.1 .04/17/20 <br />EXHIBIT 1
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