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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />RFP NO.: 21-034 <br />ON -CALL EMERGENCY GENERATOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES <br />Contractor shall coordinate all scheduled services at least five (5) business days in advance <br />with: <br />Juan Ramirez <br />Water Resources Production Supervisor <br />(714) 647-3377 <br />iramirez c( <br />VIII. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS <br />The Contractor shall meet the following minimum qualifications: <br />1. Be factory authorized, trained and knowledgeable in generators for maintenance, <br />operation and installation. <br />2. Contractor shall hold current C10 Electrical Contractor's License. <br />3. Have access to factory direct inventory for replacement parts and related <br />appurtenances. <br />4. Provide Technical and Engineering support from the manufacturer upon request <br />from the City. <br />5. All work is to be performed in compliance with all applicable codes, standards, due <br />care, and MIOSHA/OSHA safety requirements. <br />6. All preventative and repair services shall be performed in a manner consistent with <br />NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems and NFPA 70: <br />National Electrical Code. <br />7. Contractor shall provide emergency access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. <br />IX. FEE SCHEDULE: <br />Contractor shall submit a fee schedule as described in Section IV.B.3 of RFP. Furthermore, <br />Contractor shall submit additional labor, material and equipment rates along with fee <br />schedule. Contractor's labor and equipment rate sheet shall list rates for all labor <br />designations, equipment and materials. The Contractor will be expected to hold firm pricing <br />on all contract items supplied for the duration of the contract. Labor increases shall be <br />subject to mutually agreeable terms between the City and the Contractor. The City may <br />request related services that will be paid at the vendor's standard labor and equipment rate <br />submitted. Fee proposal shall be outlined as follows: <br />