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over 65 feet, give us the ability to respond to any job. Our state of the art equipment includes power <br />quality monitors, fuel polishers, 4 megawatts of load banks, and one of the most advanced infra -red <br />cameras in the industry. We can also provide our customers with instant updates on all projects from <br />the job site via our web -based management system. <br />We currently have over 800 contacts nationwide with companies ranging from small to Fortune 100, and <br />are responsible for maintaining over 4,000 pieces of equipment. In California we work closely with <br />Imperial Power and Water (IID), SDG&E and Sempra Utilities. <br />Some examples of our current clients include: <br />Harrah's Rincon Casino <br />City / County of Los Angeles <br />City of Newport: Beach <br />City / County San Diego <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Federal Government <br />Sony <br />Cal Trans <br />County of San Bernardino <br />SDSU <br />UC Riverside <br />Time Warner <br />Home Depot <br />Alere <br />Barona Casino <br />Jones Lang LaSalle <br />Life Technologies <br />SDG&E <br />Hilton <br />Lowes <br />US Military <br />Embassy Suites <br />AT&T <br />Scripps Hospitals / Research <br />Toys R Us <br />Verizon <br />Toyota <br />Pfizer <br />Sempra Energy <br />Hitachi <br />Motorola <br />CBRE <br />Marriot <br />Imperial Irrigation District <br />Johnson Controls <br />Sears <br />Our executive team consists of the following highly qualified, experienced individuals: <br />President: Salvatore Martorana. Mr. Martorana is our in house expert. He is military trained and has <br />been involved in the power generation industry for over 29 years where he started as a field technician <br />and now directs all technical and sales aspects of GPG. Sal is the Qualifying Officer for the (A) General <br />Engineering, (B) General building and a C-10 electrical contractors licenses. His extensive training and <br />experience makes him our source to help solve the difficult diagnostic problems. He oversees all <br />electrical and power generation projects. <br />Chief Financial Officer: Salvador Ceballos. Mr. Ceballos has a B.S. degree in accounting and 20 years' <br />experience in the finance and operations industry, including his last 14 in the power generation industry. <br />Sal is in charge of the day to day operations of GPG and is instrumental in our efforts to automate all <br />aspects <br />Chief Executive Officer: Terry Mammen. Mr. Mammen has a B.S. degree in accounting and has spent <br />over 36 years in the business world. He has owned and operated a variety of business ventures in real <br />estate, franchising, and for the last 14 years the power generation industry. Terry is the financier and is <br />involved in the strategic planning of GPG. <br />