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<br />
<br />If to CONSULTANT:
<br />Selectron Technology, Inc.
<br />Attn: Todd Johnston President
<br />12323 SW 66th Avenue
<br />Portland, OR 97223
<br />Facsimile: 503-443-2052
<br />
<br />Representative or designees: CONSULTANT Primary Representative/Project Manager shall
<br />be:
<br />
<br />Todd Johnston, President, CEO
<br />12323 SW 66th Avenue Portland, OR 97223
<br />Phone: 503.597.3346
<br />Facsimile: 503-443-2052
<br />Email:
<br />Representative or designees: CITY Primary Representative/Project Manager shall be:
<br />Willard Holt, Treasury and Customer Services Manager
<br />20 Civic Center Plaza (M-15), Room 1105, Santa Ana, CA 92701
<br />Phone: (714) 647-5456
<br />Facsimile: 714-647-5304
<br />Email:
<br />
<br />3-7. Indemnity: CONSULTANT shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the CITY, its
<br />officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims made by third parties for
<br />any and all liabilities and losses whatsoever (including damages to property and injuries to or
<br />death of persons, court costs, and reasonable attorneys’ fees) to extent occurring or resulting
<br />from CONSULTANT’S negligent or unlawful (i) performance of its obligations under or (ii)
<br />breach of the terms of this Agreement, unless such claims, liabilities, or losses arise out of, or
<br />are caused at least in part by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY.
<br />“CONSULTANT’S performance” includes CONSULTANT’S action or inaction and the action
<br />or inaction of CONSULTANT’S officers, employees, agents and subcontractors.
<br />
<br />3-8. Insurance: Prior to undertaking performance of work under this Agreement, CONSULTANT
<br />shall maintain and shall require its Subcontractors, if any, to obtain and maintain insurance as
<br />described below:
<br />
<br />a. Commercial General Liability Insurance. CONSULTANT shall maintain commercial
<br />general liability insurance naming the CITY, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers
<br />and representatives as additional insured(s) and shall include, but not be limited to
<br />protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death
<br />resulting therefrom and damage to property, resulting from any act or occurrence
<br />arising out of CONSULTANT’S operations in the performance of this Agreement,
<br />including, without limitation, acts involving vehicles. The amounts of insurance shall be
<br />not less than the following: single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury,
<br />including death resulting therefrom, and property damage, in the total amount of
<br />$1,000,000 per occurrence, with $2,000,000 in the aggregate. Such insurance shall (a)
<br />name the CITY, its officers, employees, agents, and representatives as additional