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Item 35 - Interactive Voice Response System Support & Maintenance, Services, and Software
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/17/2021 Regular
Item 35 - Interactive Voice Response System Support & Maintenance, Services, and Software
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8/17/2023 4:14:02 PM
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8/17/2023 4:13:42 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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May 13, 2021 Page 4 of 11 <br />2.2.1. IVR Channel <br />The IVR Channel for the Utility Pack provides callers with an Interactive Voice Response <br />(IVR) system for accessing account information and making payments over the phone. <br />Citizens can call the Utility IVR channel in order to hear account information and to <br />make a payment. Citizens will validate their account using an account or phone number <br />and PIN. The IVR validates this data against the S&S EnQuesta application database. <br />Once the account is validated, the IVR will speak the current balance owed and due <br />date. The total amount due includes an aggregate of all current and delinquent amounts <br />owed. The caller will then be given the option of making a payment. If no payment is <br />due, then the IVR will speak that there is currently no payment due. <br />Using the IVR, callers will also be able to hear other account information as listed under <br />Utility Pack, above. <br />Callers will also be able to transfer to an agent. If a caller requests a transfer, the IVR <br />performs a hook-flash transfer to a number specified by Santa Ana. <br />2.3. Payment Processing <br />The Relay solution is configured to accept credit card and e-check payments, allowing <br />customers to make payments against their account. The payment processing engine is a <br />PA-DSS-Verified payment system that does not retain any payment information. Users <br />will need to enter their payment information for each transaction. <br />The Relay payment application interacts with Santa Ana’s Invoice Cloud payment <br />gateway to provide payment functionality. Users will need to authenticate and provide <br />valid payment information in order to make a payment. Relay validates the user’s <br />payment information before passing it to the payment gateway. When a payment is <br />reported to the IVR as successful, the IVR will post an update to Santa Ana’s S&S <br />EnQuesta application database in real time (only if an API for such an update is <br />available). <br />Santa Ana will be able to take payments from citizens via the following payment <br />methods: <br />•Credit Card <br />•E-Check <br />2.3.1. Credit Card <br />The interactive solution accepts Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, and American Express®. <br />Santa Ana can elect to accept all or a subset of these card types. Any credit card types <br />not accepted by Santa Ana will not be accepted by the solution. When taking a payment, <br />Relay verifies the credit card number and expiration date. For more security, Santa Ana <br />can choose to verify the card holder’s zip code and/or security code. All credit card <br />transactions are sent through the Invoice Cloud payment gateway.
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