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May 13, 2021 Page 6 of 11 <br />3.System Integration <br />Depending on the implemented features, Relay requires varying levels of integration with other <br />Santa Ana components. These are described in the following sections. <br />3.1. Application Database Interfaces <br />It is anticipated that Selectron will be integrating with Santa Ana’s S&S EnQuesta <br />(Utility) application database. All data-based interactivity on the solution is reliant upon <br />data being available via the API. Selectron typically integrates to the application <br />database in the following manner: <br />•Authenticate user credentials input to access account data <br />•Read account information (see Application Pack descriptions for account data <br />being queried) <br />•Post payment reconciliation data (amount paid, date/time, associated with <br />account) <br />3.2. Payment Gateway Interfaces <br />The payment processing service is PA-DSS Verified. Integration to the Invoice Cloud <br />payment gateway initiates the collection and reconciliation of the payments being <br />gathered by the department. <br />The following payment processing fees and services are not covered by the purchase of <br />the application: <br />•Transaction fees <br />•Merchant accounts <br />•Third-party payment processing services, fees, and software <br />4.Deployment Model <br />This implementation of Relay will be deployed on premise at Santa Ana. Selectron will be providing <br />the following to support the Relay solution: three (3) virtual VMWare IVR servers: one each for <br />Production, Testing and Speech recognition. <br />For virtual or physical servers, Relay requires these minimum specifications: <br />•Quad-Core Intel Processor <br />•16G RAM <br />•Windows Server 2016 <br />•ESXi 6.5 (or above) <br />If the customer is providing SQL, you must provide: <br />•Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2012 <br />Santa Ana’s solution is licensed for: