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<br />City of Santa Ana RFP 20-104 <br />Page 14 <br /> <br /> <br />2.7. Any live animals that are part of the exhibit (such as butterflies) must remain secured within <br />the exhibit at all times. Any permits, transportation, acquisition, veterinary care, etc. for such <br />animals is the full responsibility of the PROPOSER. <br /> <br />2.7.1. Exhibits with regulated live animals (ectotherms) must have double-door <br />containment and fully comply with any USDA APHIS and local requirements. <br /> <br />2.7.2. Exhibits with live animals must have handwashing areas provided by the <br />PROPOSER unless they’re already nearby (within 30’). <br /> <br />3. MAINTENANCE AND FACILITIES <br /> <br />3.1. Any equipment brought on site by the PROPOSER must have prior written approval from <br />the CITY. The PROPOSER shall repair and maintain at its expense any damage, including <br />maintenance or repair necessitated by ordinary wear and tear. Equipment necessary to the <br />proper function of the operation that cannot be repaired shall be replaced by the <br />PROPOSER. The replacement or addition of equipment will first be discussed with the <br />CITY to determine the responsibility of cost and feasibility of location. <br /> <br />3.2. PROPOSER agrees to maintain designated exhibit areas. If the CITY staff must clean the <br />exhibit areas after the PROPOSER has been the sole user of said areas, PROPOSER will <br />be charged at rate of $50per labor hour. Alternatively, the PROPOSER may establish a <br />maintenance program with the CITY and necessary training. <br /> <br />3.3. PROPOSER is responsible for the coordination and supervision of all subcontractors. <br /> <br />3.4. The CITY will maintain the water, natural gas, electrical, and sewer lines except in cases <br />where the PROPOSER’S direct negligence causes major maintenance repair expense. <br />Should the PROPOSER require additional utility capacity and/or outlets beyond those <br />existing and available, the cost of such installation and hookups will be at the <br />PROPOSER’S expense after required CITY approval. Utility access may be limited in <br />some potential exhibit locations. <br /> <br />3.5. The location of the exhibit must be documented with photos before set up, and the area <br />returned to the same condition after removal of the exhibit. If the exhibit is held on a turf <br />area, the turf must be restored to original condition afterwards. <br /> <br />4. TRAINING AND STAFF <br /> <br />4.1. PROPOSER is responsible for staffing stand-alone exhibits, including guest access control <br />and instruction, animal food distribution (when applicable), and daily exhibit opening and <br />closing. PROPOSER shall maintain a current employee manual that addresses operational <br />procedures and on-going training in providing efficient and effective service to customers. <br />Copies shall be readily available for review by CITY staff. <br /> <br />4.2. PROPOSER is encouraged to include opportunities for local youth volunteers and paid <br />youth interns to contribute to exhibit staffing. Paid internships and volunteer opportunities <br />Exhibit 2