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Item 02 - Housing Authority Annual Plan
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
04/06/2021 Regular
Item 02 - Housing Authority Annual Plan
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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EXHIBIT 1 <br />B.6 Progress Report. <br />Provide a description of the PHA's progress in meeting its Mission and Goals described in its 5-Year PHA Plan. <br />Goal # 1: Fully utilize all funding provided by HUD and apply for additional funding to serve the most vulnerable members of our <br />community. <br />Objective # 1: Utilize 100% of the Annual Budget Authority provided by HUD for each CY. <br />• SAHA utilized 95.5% of our Annual Budget Authority from HUD for CY 2020. This was due to two main factors. First, the COVID- <br />19 pandemic impacted our staffing, capacity and ability to serve our current assisted -families while trying to assist new families through <br />our Mainstream Voucher Program. Second, SAHA has been receiving a substantially more HAP funding from new HUD-VASH <br />vouchers, but we have not been receiving adequate referrals from the VAMC of Long Beach to utilize this new funding. <br />Objective # 2: Apply for new funding opportunities for additional vouchers. <br />• In October 2020, SAHA received an award of twenty-five (25) additional Foster Youth to Independence vouchers following a <br />competitive application process under PIH Notice 2020-28. <br />• In November 2020, SAHA received an award of seventy-five (75) additional Mainstream Program Vouchers following a competitive <br />application process under PIH Notice 2020-22. <br />Goal # 2: Expand participation in the Family Self -Sufficiency Program for families to use as a platform to obtain self-sufficiency and <br />independence from our assistance. <br />Objective # 1: Expand the number of active participants in the Family Self -Sufficiency Program. <br />• The number of active participants in the Family Self -Sufficiency Program decreased from 127 families enrolled to 122. The COVID-19 <br />pandemic impacted our capacity and ability to outreach to new participants. However, the number of mandatory slots for SAHA is only <br />60 participants. <br />• SAHA continued sending a monthly electronic Family Self -Sufficiency Program newsletters to our participants who have provided us <br />with their e-mail addresses. Each newsletter features a Story of Success for a family who is participating in the program. In addition, <br />SAHA also provided an annual calendar to all of our participants with a Story of Success for each month. <br />Objective # 2: Assist Family Self -Sufficiency Program participants to become self-sufficient and graduate from the program. <br />• During this Fiscal year, three (3) participants graduated from the Family Self -Sufficiency Program. <br />Goal # 3: Ensure the accuracy, integrity and compliance of all voucher program operations. <br />Objective # 1: Retain High Performer SEMAP status. <br />• SAHA was certified as a High Performer for FY 19-20. SAHA audited a total of 353 files under SEMAP Indicator # 3, even though the <br />minimum sample size required by HUD was only 35 files. For SEMAP Indicator # 5, SAHA audited a total of 49 inspections even <br />though the minimum sample size required by HUD was only 33 quality control inspections. <br />Goal # 4: Increase assisted housing choices by providing quality customer service to existing landlords and conducting outreach to new <br />landlords. <br />Objective # 1: Communicate on a regular basis with active landlords by providing information on key program updates. <br />• During this Fiscal Year SAHA e-mailed a newsletter in July and October. SAHA also e-mailed a Holiday card in December. <br />Objective # 2: Maintain active participation in the Orange County Apartment Association and attend local events to promote participation in the <br />program. <br />• SAHA renewed our membership with the Orange County Apartment Association. Local events were cancelled due to the pandemic. <br />Goal # 5: Provide equal opportunity, affirmatively further fair housing and provide regular training on fair housing for staff, owners and <br />participants. <br />Objective # 1: Provide an annual mandatory training for all Housing Authority staff. <br />• On September 11, 2020, SAHA held an annual Fair Housing Training for all Housing Division employees. This annual training is <br />required for all employees. <br />Objective # 2: Provide information on fair housing to owners and participants. <br />• SAHA provided information on fair housing to owners and participants. <br />Goal # 6: Provide information on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 2013 to active participants and owners to ensure protection <br />for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalldng. <br />• SAHA provided information on VAWA to all program applicants, participants and landlords. <br />Page 3 of 5 form HUD-50075-HCV (12/2014) <br />
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