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3 <br /> <br />bicycle and pedestrian networks through an extensive outreach process and <br />includes recommendations based on the community input. The Safe Routes to <br />School Plan, approved in June 2020, identifies improvements along the safe <br />walking and biking routes to schools. Both plans provide the City with a list of <br />projects that the City will use for pursuing grant funding for implementation. <br />• The City has undertaken fiber optics and wireless communications master <br />planning which has led to initial implementation phases of Advanced Metering <br />Infrastructure (AMI). This technology will positively impact our mobility, <br />connectivity, and general circulation in the City. AMI, for example, will automate <br />how the City utilities access water metering measuring water consumption which <br />will not only reduce the vehicles trips regularly needed on City streets, but will also <br />help monitor water consumption by our residents and any other users in the City <br />in a wireless manner. The benefits include reducing the number of vehicles in our <br />streets that lessen the carbon and gas emissions footprint, while allowing residents <br />real time and efficiently access to water usage consumption, billing, and <br />leakage/repair conditions which could then be addressed sooner. <br />• The City continues to support the expansion and efficiency of mobility by <br />emphasizing pedestrian and cycling as modes of transportation. The City’s <br />support has been evident from its success rate in securing grants. In addition, the <br />City has budgeted more funding on annual basis for new sidewalks and wheel <br />chair ramps where they are missing, and where they are in need of repairs and/or <br />replacements. These types of maintenance efforts will further pedestrian mobility. <br />• Intelligent Transportation System Projects help enhance safety and efficiency of <br />major travel corridors. In 2020, the City continued to pursue grant funding <br />opportunities to fund and implement traffic signal synchronizations projects. These <br />projects help to improve efficiency of the traveling motorists along various corridors <br />by reducing delays and maximizing throughput traffic. <br />• The City has placed a high priority in the Strategic Plan on transit and <br />transportation, and in particular the delivery of the OC Streetcar. The planning, <br />environmental studies, and advancement of public support was wholly initiated and <br />led by the City. Thereafter, while Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) <br />has led the way for design and construction underway, the City has been a primary <br />stakeholder and leader in the final delivery the OC Streetcar. OCTA will be <br />responsible for OC Streetcar operation, but the City has secured a role and <br />participation in OC Streetcar operations with OCTA. https://www.santa- <br /> <br />Ongoing intensive participation in the OC Streetcar delivery includes staff <br />participation in weekly construction meetings with OCTA and the contractor and <br />biweekly meetings with OCTA separate from the construction contractor to discuss <br />ways to improve project delivery, improve communication with our residents, and <br />ensure project compatible with important City goals and objectives such as bicycle <br />and pedestrian mobility in and around the project alignment. <br />• The City of Santa Ana continues to actively pursue bikeway planning and <br />improvements, with the equivalent of three miles of bikeways constructed in 2020.