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Item 18 - Pension Dept Refinancing Bound Counsel, Disclosure Councel and Court Validation Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
02/16/2021 Regular
Item 18 - Pension Dept Refinancing Bound Counsel, Disclosure Councel and Court Validation Services
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8/22/2023 8:26:42 AM
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8/22/2023 8:26:28 AM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />RFP No. 20-160 BOND AND VALIDATION COUNCEL SERVICES Page 12 of 26 <br /> <br />performance, adversarial or contentious demeanor, significant failure(s) to meet contract <br />milestones or other contractual failures. <br /> <br />N. NEGOTIATIONS <br />The City reserves the right to negotiate final contract terms with any Proposer selected. <br />The contract between the parties will consist of the RFP together with any modifications <br />thereto, and the awarded Contractor’s proposal, together with any modifications and <br />clarifications thereto that are submitted at the request of the City during the evaluation <br />and negotiation process. In the event of any conflict or contradiction between or among <br />these documents, the documents shall control in the following order of precedence: the <br />final executed contract, the RFP, any modifications and clarifications to the awarded <br />Contractor’s proposal, and the awarded Contractor’s proposal. Specific exceptions to <br />this general rule may be noted in the final executed contract. <br /> <br />Negotiations shall be confidential and not subject to disclosure to competing Contractors <br />unless and until an agreement is reached. If contract negotiations cannot be concluded <br />successfully, the City reserves the right to negotiate a contract with another Contractor <br />or withdraw the RFP. <br /> <br />O. PROJECT MANAGER <br />The selected Proposer will assume responsibility for all services in its proposal. The <br />selected Proposer shall identify a sole point of contact, Project Manager, with the <br />greatest knowledge in regard to the required service operations and contractual matters, <br />including payment of any and all charges resulting from the Agreement. <br /> <br />P. PROPOSAL VALIDITY <br /> Services, pricing, and warranties indicated in a Proposer’s Proposal must be valid for a <br />period of 90 days at minimum after the submission of the Proposal. <br />Q. PUBLIC AGENCIES <br />Other public agencies, as defined by California Government Code Section 6500, may <br />choose to use the terms of this Contract, subject to Contractor’s acceptance. The City <br />is not liable or responsible for any obligations related to a subsequent contract between <br />Contractor and another public agency. <br /> <br />R. PUBLIC RECORDS <br /> Proposals will become public record after the award of a contract unless the proposal or <br />specific parts of the proposal can be shown to be exempt by law. Each Proposer may <br />clearly label all or part of a proposal as "CONFIDENTIAL" provided that the Proposer <br />thereby agrees to indemnify and defend the City for honoring such a designation. The <br />failure to so label any information that is released by the City shall constitute a complete <br />waiver of any and all claims for damages caused by any release of the information. <br />Proposer information identified as proprietary shall be maintained confidential, to the <br />extent allowed under the California Public Records Act. <br /> <br />S. SUBCONTRACTORS <br />Proposals in response to this RFP must identify any Subcontractors, and outline the <br />contractual relationship between the Awarded Subcontractor and each Subcontractor. <br />An official of each proposed Subcontractor must sign, and include as part of the proposal <br />submitted by the Prime Contractor, a statement to the effect that the Subcontractor has <br />read and will agree to abide by the awarded Contractor’s obligations. Any Subcontractor
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