General Fund Revenue AdjustmentsDescriptionFY 19‐20 ActualFY 20‐21 BudgetFY 20‐21 UpdateMid‐Year AdjustmentIncr/(Decr)Food Sale Concession 15,657 25,200 0 (25,200)Leisure Classes 152,247 172,100 0 (172,100)City Events 35,573 44,000 7,500 (36,500)Recreation Facility Rental 20,971 25,900 927 (24,973)Rental Of Stadium 128,728 93,700 12,436 (81,264)Friend Of Zoo Vet Contribution 60,000 45,000 30,000 (15,000)Friend of Zoo Contribution 19,768 58,800 10,000 (48,800)Friend of Zoo Education Contribution 40,000 30,000 20,000 (10,000)Building Permits 1,634,989 1,517,100 1,547,500 30,400Plumbing Permits 313,850 336,900 343,700 6,800Electrical Permits 761,526 678,900 760,400 81,500Heating Permits 481,851 448,400 457,400 9,000Adult‐Use Cannabis Retail Safety Permit 223,591 0 100,236 100,236Commercial Cannabis Distrib Safety Permit 21,688 120,860 215,279 94,419Building Plan Check 2,957,026 1,850,900 1,888,000 37,100Electrical Plan Check 382,672 230,200 280,900 50,700Plumbing Plan Check 191,675 135,700 138,500 2,800Mechanical Plan Check 347,718 182,900 186,600 3,700Land Use Certificate Processing 512,146 650,000 552,500 (97,500)Site Plan Review Charge 813,695 585,000 245,047 (339,953)PREP Fees 763,377 204,000 604,000 400,000AB 109 Revenues 472,159 0 480,000 480,000Parking Fines 5,111,477 4,000,000 4,900,000 900,000Jail Revenue Facility ‐ US Marshalls 11,189,220 12,209,400 12,154,219 (55,181)Jail Revenue Facility ‐ Bureau of Prisons 622,623 869,400 1,267,451 398,051Jail Revenue Facility ‐ US Marshalls 3,520,965 3,364,200 2,678,926 (685,274)Other Revenues ‐ No Adjustments Needed 48,597,351 43,968,210 43,968,210 0Total General Fund Revenue Adjustments325,702,500 307,892,970 323,588,143 15,695,173