Laserfiche WebLink
If a patron is already logged in with their library card to the patron -facing website (the library <br />card number can also be stored on their device to avoid logging in every time), a title can be <br />checked out in a one click. As shown in the screenshot below, a patron can easily identify <br />available content for borrowing, as well as easily see when they are able to place a hold on a <br />title to join the waitlist. Once the patron clicks the blue "BORROW" button below, the title is <br />automatically added to the patron's bookshelf, where they can instantly read it in their <br />browser by utilizing the OverDrive Read (browser -based) eBook format without any required <br />software programs (or can they choose to use the OverDrive apps). <br />Once Read Now option has been selected, the title will instantly open in the patron's browser <br />via the OverDrive Read format and allow the patron to read the title instantly in the current <br />browser, as well as sync their reading progress across all of their browsers to ensure that they <br />can pick up reading later right where they had previously left off. <br />=voM <br />Gabe nearly dropped his trek -Beaty backpack. "ls dud a viper"" <br />"Swe is."➢Dram levud heck casually on the➢rdge•s ��ue-msd- <br />Zl Iwnd, an easy pin spreading saoss his handsome face. <br />"Fourlly-gen last of the Mohkalms. You want see any more where <br />this camef m." He paned Jie hood possessit'ely. <br />Gabe's watery blue eyes bugged as he approached Ivs best friend_ <br />The tun lud met dmtimg z enf cad "quiet a Montessori <br />preschool class Gabe uas being pm ds d £.,hating tried to pry <br />the keys off a laptop to see how d worked; Dour uas being <br />punished fr vying to emertain Gahe by making fanimg noises with <br />his armpit Si— den they'd been inseparable_ <br />-I ]umu your parents said you mold get your learner's pmmt, but <br />"Hai" Dour pushed himself off the car :rod reaclud fr Gabe's <br />backpack, tuuippmg it -Are ymt kiddmn lMy mom's still fi Ang <br />wt — the time I dimx my brother's Cory Coupe through the <br />erred door when I uas th— No way me they gonna actually <br />buy me a car, let alone one tlut casts, oh, vinery Gs " <br />"Good paint.' Gabe nodded, 4elmg a mivrre of relief and sarcou <br />wash Dram him: relief because Lis Doti father refused ra In him get <br />a learner's permit trout he was sixteen, and smrw because... <br />well, danm a riper! <br />"This probably belongs ro aame oN. coaches wlw's I— mg a <br />midlife crisis." ➢over iwmasged in dse backpack with one hand <br />and gesnuedm the➢odge with the other. "I'm just using it as Iady- <br />U11- <br />Gabeshook bis head Roth boys were fheem mld supmsmmt, bur <br />this uas wh—they differed_ Gabe was interested in figurhag om <br />mmpmexs and uas especially fascinated by rohotic Doter <br />preferred to spell Ivs time fgunng out girls.Aid with his tall, <br />lanky fiame, California-sw fewdude Floppy hair and hazel eyes, <br />Dm'er was actually able to smart then, Unfnmarely'_ ,,, d,y <br />n M Ills orbit, they wex utafuly repelled, eider by his harnfic <br />pickup lines ("You look like my ce girlfriend") ar if the} hung <br />_,,I long emugb, by his t'o 1Iota of anima Fo <br />-Query M., are ymr g.— do when the 'lady' m quesnom finds <br />—hi, -- tide doesn't belong to yov1' Gahe asked. <br />"I'm not womed about it" Dorm upped Gabe's pack up all bit <br />uua the candy bar he'd taken fi'om it "They just lute to get close <br />etwugh fat r to ask than to pa,ry at yma 1,m— this ueekaid." <br />Q <br />Patron's checkout can be instantly read in their browser with the OverDrive Read format <br />Within OverDrive Read, a patron has numerous options on how to best enjoy their title. <br />OverDrive offers patrons the ability to set bookmarks, jump to pages/chapters, view their <br />reading history within the title, designate their Reading Settings (such as text scale, lighting, <br />book design, dyslexic font option, etc.), as well as download the title for offline reading with the <br />Offline Access feature. <br />