Laserfiche WebLink
Within the patron's bookshelf, individualized settings can be personalized so that the patron <br />does not need to always set their lending period or be exposed to content that is not right for <br />that patron. At the Settings page, default lending periods can be set by format, automatic hold <br />checkouts can be set up, content preferences, as well as accessibility features such as high <br />contract mode and dyslexic font, which can be enabled to provide a better patron experience <br />for readings with dyslexia. <br />Loans Settings <br />Halds GENEM <br />WA I'¢[ <br />Setlings E`�ei�aP <br />e k OHO <br />.wduhaac BOO <br />ry�n——y-,ii,I ee �,e ale 90 <br />� OOOO <br />Bls--ONS <br />nma m•�e kmmm�m�s �osne <br />Settings page where the patron can designate the preferences for their digital checkouts <br />OverDrive's patron -facing website features predictive search capabilities and allows patrons to <br />search on the main site by title, author, series and subject. <br />besebell� Q <br />Basehah Cart Advent <br />Beechen Greet <br />The 0ep 11 Whispem <br />Beeehel in April and Ot, Stories <br />Baseball Flyha <br />Baseball PBIe <br />Besehel l bnd hs Greeleel players <br />Baeehall's Top ID Nome Run Nipers <br />i—eseheh teees <br />Baseball's s[HiRers <br />Beeehal: &Graeet Pmericen Geme <br />Screenshot of the predictive search capabilities at the patron -facing website <br />