Laserfiche WebLink
demand metered access titles can always be available for your patrons. You can create as many <br />Smart Lists as you like, and they will not submit purchase orders automatically on your behalf - <br />you will always have the chance to review carts generated by Smart Lists before placing orders. <br />Web -Based Staff Training and Patron Support <br />OverDrive's training courses and information are hosted online and scheduled at the <br />convenience of your staff, and are also available on -demand anytime, anywhere for future <br />viewing (great for new staff, or as a refresher for current staff on how to use the service). <br />For new customers (or existing customers looking for a refresher), OverDrive requires the <br />following courses as "starter courses" to the OverDrive service: <br />Collection Checklist - With OverDrive's collection checklist, you'll learn how to attract users to <br />your digital library and keep them coming back with next generation content and collection <br />tools from OverDrive. <br />Just the Basics - Learn how to browse, borrow, and enjoy eBooks and audiobooks from your <br />Next Generation library using a computer or mobile device. <br />In addition to the starter courses, OverDrive offers on -demand training modules, downloadable <br />PDFs, live webcasts, tools to educate your staff and end users, as well as easy links to OverDrive <br />Help resources. At the OverDrive Resource Center (, OverDrive <br />provides all of the information that the library, as well as patrons, can utilize to become <br />OverDrive experts. <br />Staff Training <br />q�e=rm�.Rcomae. �. arrca� a�.e,a.�.q mom_ <br />ovr=rzo Revs wnRKEnaucE LniswERcnsTs aasr wEecasrs ovsRO R I-HEta <br />�^ ^ orore ro entoy e�girai Demonrtration' Public Library, demonstration' The IJeev <br />Corporate, or College Website O—D— Wenite <br />man'. arebMe P5 nom menew over©rive. mie: <br />OverDrive Resource Center with videos, PDFs and additional tools to ensure your library's digital collection is a success <br />