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Scope of Services and Schedule <br />WSP will perform the annual updates to the inventory and reprioritize the industrial and commercial <br />businesses annually. New industrial businesses will be added when they are discovered and commercial <br />businesses will be added at least quarterly in accordance with the MS4 permit. Through our prior work with <br />the City's business license department and other City business license departments, our project team has <br />developed efficient procedures to complete the City's inventory updates as specified in the County's MS4 <br />Permit Sections IX and X. WSP is familiar with the City's Business Classification Code (BCC) and has <br />processes developed to select which businesses should be included in the inventory. In the event the City <br />switches from the City's BCC, our project team can quickly adapt our procedures to reprioritize the <br />inventory based on Standard Industrial Classification or North American Industrial Classification System <br />codes. We have procedures for those codes as well. <br />Our extensive experience providing inventory update services to various cities makes us knowledgeable of <br />the common pitfalls that may occur, such as inadvertently adding hundreds of new businesses in the <br />inventory that do not require inspection. Our prioritization procedures include the removal of businesses <br />with duplicate business licenses, businesses with multiple business licenses, home -based businesses, <br />businesses with the incorrect BCC codes, and businesses that should not be included based on our past <br />inspections. Our team also has extensive experience with using other online sources required for the <br />inventory prioritization process, including the State Water Resources Control Board's (SWRCB) Storm <br />Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System and Toxic Release Inventory. The data tables <br />downloaded from these online sources are compared using unique identification numbers and critical data <br />are imported, as necessary. <br />This task also includes periodic meetings and phone calls to provide the City with updates on inspections, <br />discuss enforcement issues, and to provide program recommendations. Our project team will also provide <br />one annual kickoff meeting to be held at the City office for training documentation purposes. Project <br />management hours for the review and submittal of monthly summary status reports with monthly invoices <br />are also included in this task. <br />6.3 Task No. 3: As -Needed NPDES Program Support <br />We understand that the City may require additional technical and regulatory assistance related to other <br />aspects of the NPDES program. This may include special inspections and studies, updating the City's <br />Local Implementation Plan (LIP), Statewide Trash Provisions compliance, TMDL compliance, storm water <br />and non -storm water sample collection and analysis, and other tasks related to improving and enhancing <br />the City's NPDES program. We have provided similar services to numerous municipal and industrial clients <br />in southern California, including the City. WSP has assisted several municipalities with technical and <br />regulatory assistance. We are confident in our ability to provide expertise in each of the areas described <br />further below and address any other compliance area of concern for the City. <br />6.3.1 Additional NPDES Program Inspections <br />WSP staff has extensive experience with providing as -needed NPDES program inspections and can assist <br />in any capacity needed by the City, from providing guidance to full program implementation. <br />Construction Site Inspection <br />WSP team has more than 20 local professionals supporting construction storm water permitting and <br />inspection services and has been providing these services to both public and private sector clients <br />throughout southern California for more than two decades. Over the past decade, our capability to provide <br />these services has been built on securing contracts with many notable clients. Our staff routinely reviews <br />construction compliance documents, such as SWPPPs, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCPs), and <br />Water Pollution Control Plans (WPCPs). We have QSD/QSPs available to lead inspections and have a <br />reputa ion for swift responses to meet client needs for construction inspection support. <br />City of Santa Ana I Industrial/Commercial Inspection and NPDES Program Support Services I Page 121 <br />RFP No. 23-028 <br />