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DOWDALL LAW OFFICES <br />A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />City of Santa Ana <br />August 28, 2023 <br />Page 2 <br />6. 42 U.S.C.A. § 1983 (federal damages for violation of civil rights under color of law): <br />the proposal violates guarantees of majority rule in American government. "... a local public <br />official [is not] immunized from liability for official acts so long as the official's conduct <br />[violates] clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person <br />would have known." See, Harlow v. Fitzgerald (1982) 457 U.S. 800, 818. <br />7. No immunity for the willful/intentional violation of rights: Assertion of state <br />immunity does not apply to federal civil rights violations. Legal trends today reveal exposure of <br />elected leadership to disciplinary actions for misconduct. <br />8. Each Councilmember is owed separate counsel before the vote: City must provide <br />separate legal counsel before further concerted action to violate the charter without amendment <br />by voter approval. The City is on notice. Substantial knowledge is the same as willful intention. <br />9. Conflict of interest caused by City should be paid by City: The city attorney <br />represents Santa Ana, not individual counsel members. The city has no duty to defend nor <br />indemnify for willful and intentional misconduct. Violating the law under present notice <br />requirements is outside the scope of legitimate legislative activity. It is willful and intentional <br />misconduct for further concerted action. If the City is requesting that action, the City must pay <br />for legal counseling respecting the risk exposure. <br />The Proposed Ordinance Violates the California Government Code <br />The Government Code provides that ordinances are passed by majority vote. That is a <br />general law of statewide importance. Government Code §36936 imposes a mandatory duty on <br />city councils to adopt ordinances by "recorded majority vote." The proposed ordinance would <br />therefore violate State law and be preempted by Government Code §36936: <br />Resolutions, orders for the payment of money, and all ordinances require a <br />recorded majority vote of the total membership of the city council. <br />The Charter Requires That Ordinances Are Passed with Majority Vote <br />The city charter of Santa Ana requires that ordinances be passed by majority vote. There <br />is no exception for rent control. There is no provision for a 5/7 vote on any given police power, <br />ordinance, or other form of regulation. Section 410 of the City Charter states: <br />A majority of the members of the City Council shall constitute a quorum to do <br />business, but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time. Except as otherwise <br />provided elsewhere in this charter or by law, no ordinance, resolution or motion <br />shall be passed, adopted, or become effective unless it receives the affirmative <br />