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10.2 Plan Sponsor Reporting. Empower will provide an Employer Plan Summary Report to <br />Plan Sponsor, summarizing Plan -level assets and Participant account balances, within thirty (30) Business <br />Days after each calendar quarter end ("Employer Plan Summary Report"), The following Plan information <br />will be addressed In the Employer Plan Summary Report: (1) summary of Plan transactions and assets; (il) <br />summary of contributions processed; (III) withdrawals; (iv) annuities purchased, if applicable; (v) periodic <br />payments; (vi) Investment Option grand totals —summarizes both dollars and units/shares and Plan activity; <br />(vii) Investment Option totals by money type — summarizes both dollars and units/shares and money type <br />activity; (viii)Participant summary — a report of account activity for each Participant. <br />10.3 Additional Optional Services and Fees <br />Additional Services and Fees <br />Plan Document Services <br />If the Plan Sponsor is using a plan document offered by Empower, <br />Empower will provide the Plan document including an applicable <br />adoption agreement for execution, and any Plan document amendments <br />that may be required due to change in applicable law, prior to the date <br />required. <br />Fees for Plan Document <br />If applicable, preparation of Empower sample plan document, including <br />Services <br />amendments: <br />No additional fee. <br />Annual Plan Review <br />Plan Sponsor will receive an annual Plan review including the following <br />information: (1) review of enrollment efforts; (ii) asset allocation <br />information, contributions, distributions (Investment Options and <br />fixed/variable split); (iii) voice response usage and enhancements; (iv) <br />benefit payments; (v) direct online system access — current services and <br />available services; (vi) legislative updates. <br />Regulatory Updates <br />Empower will periodically make information available to Plan Sponsor <br />concerning federal legislative activity of which Empower is aware that <br />may affect the Plan and related funding contracts. Such information, <br />however, does not constitute legal or tax advice regarding the legal <br />sufficiency of the Plan. <br />11. TRANSITION ASSISTANCE SERVICES <br />11.1 Transition Services. Empower agrees to support the transition of recordkeeping and <br />administrative services ("Transition Services") to a successor service provider subject to the terms and <br />42 <br />City Council 19 — 45 9/19/2023 <br />