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35. Discuss and Consider Directing the City Manager to Direct Staff to Amend the Quantity of <br />Signs to be Installed at a Section of Street Granted a Ceremonial Street Name in Article XI <br />of the SAMC - Councilmember Bacerra <br />MINUTES: Councilmember Bacerra provided history of this program and spoke in <br />support of amending the ordinance to allow for a maximum of two contiguous blocks on <br />a single street with two signs installed on existing poles at either end of the designated <br />street segment, which would not impact any existing ceremonial street names. <br />Mayor Amezcua, and Councilmembers Phan, Vazquez, and Penaloza spoke in support <br />of the item. <br />Councilmember Hernandez believed the current policy provides staff with discretion and <br />would allow for further discussion on the dais, if needed, and did not support the current <br />item. <br />CITY MANAGER COMMENTS <br />MINUTES: City Manager Kristine Ridge announced that the Public Works Water <br />Resources Department launched its 8t" annual youth water poster contest on January <br />16, 2023. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />AB1234 DISCLOSURE — If the City paid for travel or other expenses this is the time for <br />members of the Council to provide a brief oral report on attendance of any regional board <br />or commission meeting or any conference, meeting or event attended. <br />1. January 17-20, 2023 Mayor Amezcua — The United States Conference of Mayors <br />in Washington, D.C. <br />MINUTES: <br />Councilmember Bacerra wished everyone a Happy New Year and announced his <br />community office hours on February 4. <br />Councilmember Hernandez offered condolences to the families of Keenan Anderson <br />and Alejandro Montes, thanked the Orange County Heritage Council for celebrating the <br />legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and closed his comments in honor of, thank OC <br />Heritage Council for celebrate legacy of MLK Jr., close in honor of public defender Elliot <br />Blair, who was found dead in Mexico. <br />Councilmember Penaloza wished everyone a Happy New Year, a Happy Lunar New <br />Year, and Happy Birthday to Library Director Brian Sternberg, Senior Management <br />Analyst Daniel Soto, and Councilmember Vazquez. He requested the meeting adjourn <br />in remembrance of Riverside Deputy Sherriff Darnell Calhoun. <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />21 <br />January 17, 2023 <br />City Council 7 — 21 10/17/2023 <br />