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STATEMENT OF WORK ("SoW") <br />for <br />Santa Ana Public Library Youth Know ("SAPL-YK") <br />from <br />Stephen Sloan <br />SERVICES <br />Humane Leadership Institute <br />The focus of our work will be to deliver leadership development online training, life workshops, and mentoring <br />to SAPL-YK participants to support their development as leaders and their social innovation project work. <br />Approach: <br />1. Train - delivery online training in Humane Leadership core concepts including the self leadership lab, <br />earning influence, resolving ambiguity using dependency trees, as well as an overview of the complete <br />set of wisdom jig thinking tools available. 12 copies of the Humane Leadership book will be shipped in <br />mid -October for students and staff. <br />2. Personalize - learning to participants by hosting 3 live 90-minute workshops to help the young leaders <br />practice applying the tools and mental models to their own lives and projects. <br />3. Mentor - A total of 3.5 hours of mentoring will be available for students to meet their needs throughout <br />the project timeframe. Likely this will include one 90-minute project review session and 4 x <br />30-minute small group or 1:1 mentoring sessions. <br />II. PERSONNEL <br />Project work will be delivered by Stephen Sloan. <br />III. PRICING & INVOICING <br />Project Fees: <br />• Total budget is $1,000. <br />• Work will be scheduled by mutual agreement between October 1, 2023 and March 15, 2024. <br />• This budget does not include expenses, those will be passed through at cost on an as pre -approved and <br />incurred basis. Currently, no expenses are expected for this project. <br />IV. ASSUMPTIONS <br />• Work will be conducted offsite and meetings will be held virtually. <br />• SAPL-YI< will support the development of a clear understanding of how we can help create a healthy <br />return on your investment in our services. <br />V. DELIVERABLES <br />• Student online course log credentials and getting started documentation <br />• 12 x Humane Leadership paperback books <br />• 3 x workshop agendas and facilitation <br />• 1 x 90-minute project review workshop <br />• 4 x 30 minute mentoring meetings <br />Confidential Page 1 of 1 <br />