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INSURANCE NOT ON FILE A-2023-178 <br />WORK MAY NOT PROCEED <br />CITY CLERK . <br />DATE: <br />• Pwef Ql) FIRST AMENDMENT TO FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR <br />(prw l', ) GA SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SERVICE FIRST FOUNTAINS <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is entered into this 17°i day of October 2023, by <br />and between Service First Fountains ("Consultant"), and the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal <br />ti corporation duly organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City"). <br />s RECITALS <br />N <br />� A. On November 16, 2021, the City entered into Agreement # A-2021-218 with Consultant to <br />Up provide fountain maintenance and repair services and related matters. <br />13. In accordance with the terns and conditions of the Agreement, the parties desire to amend the <br />compensation and increase the term. <br />THE PARTIES THEREFORE AGREE: <br />Section 2, COMPENSATION, shall be amended to increase the annual compensation <br />by $50,000, including the current year, lirr a new annual amount not to exceed $166,170 <br />for the remaining term. This sum is comprised of ( I ) the base amrnutt of $138,475; and <br />(2) a twenty percent (20%) contingency in the anunmt of$27,695 for additional services <br />to be exercised at City's sole discretion. <br />2. Section 3, TERM, shall be amended to extend the term of said Agreement for an <br />additional two (2) year period until December 31. 2025, <br />Except as hereinabove modified, the tams and conditions of said Agreement remain unchanged <br />and in full force and effect. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment to the <br />Agreement the date and year first above written. <br />NITEST: <br />NIFE ALL <br />i <br />CH Y OF SANTA ANA <br />Steven A. Mendoza <br />Acting City Manager <br />[Signafurev caNi need as /Pre.foliorving page] <br />Page I oft <br />